Dreams Related To Kiss

Kissing someone of the same gender

Having a dream that you are kissing someone of the same gender as yours is a warning that something major will transpire between you and this person. It means that you might soon have a disagreement or conflict with him or her. Maybe it is time to be careful in your dealings to avoid any untoward incident.

Kissing a stranger

Dreaming of kissing a stranger is a warning of being engaged in unwanted or questionable behavior. You might commit some immoral acts some time in your life. However, be aware that these actions could have long-term effects in your life that you might regret later on.

Kissing for a female

If you are a female who had a vision of kissing someone in your dream, it can be a sign that you will meet a good-looking man. However, beware! This man could be a womanizer who wants to take advantage of you. He could also be after your money or might use you to gain material things.

Seeing a couple kissing

Dreaming of seeing another couple kissing tells of an unfortunate experience that will arise in your life. You could fall into an undesirable circumstance that will leave a lasting impression on you or would create a negative feeling in you. This can either be in your personal or professional life.

Someone wanting to kiss you

Having a vision of someone wanting to kiss you shows that you are sexually attracted to the person in your dream. This can be the best time to evaluate your feelings towards him or her, because it can be your friend, a coworker or an acquaintance. If it's someone who is attached (or even your relative), maybe now is the time to prevent things from developing into something catastrophic.

Kissing someone you really like

Dreaming of kissing someone you really like is a sign that you will have a big chance of reaching your goal in life. You only need to try a bit harder and exert more effort into it. But your wishes and goals are within your reach if you choose to continue to strive for them.

This vision can refer to something from any area of your life, whether it be romantic, personal or professional. It is applicable to any of these aspects, as long as it is something that you are striving for very hard at the moment.

Kissing your lover publicly

Kissing your lover publicly like in broad daylight for a lot of people to see, shows that you will stand firm in your perspective about romance. You will stand by your attitude about love and relationships regardless of what you see around you, or what others close to you do or say.

Kiss on the neck

Dreaming that you are giving someone a kiss on the neck shows that you have intense feelings towards this person. You are strongly drawn to him or her and are desiring this person, whether you are aware of it or doing it at an impulse.

Kissing a male friend

Kissing a male friend in dreams means getting to know this individual on a deeper level. You may have sensed a connection between the two of you during a recent incident in reality, so your subconscious is exploring the potential for a stronger bond. If you are also male without homosexual tendencies, then it does not have to be romantic, you may just be interested in possibly becoming the best of friends because of your shared interests or similar personality types.

Kissing for a male

If you are a male who had a dream of kissing someone, this is a sign that you need to be more expressive towards your current partner or lover. Your loved one is craving your attention and affection but somehow you might not be noticing it. Try to be more attentive and listen to the cues your partner is sending you. Not doing so may cause this person to be bored or dissatisfied with you.

Kiss on the lips

A kiss on the lips, whether it is from someone you know or someone random, represents a longing for a deep, strong spiritual connection. Christian dream workers suggest your desire is rooted in a lack of communication between yourself and the higher power you believe in. Taking time to pray or meditate may help you rebuild this relationship and give you more inner peace in reality.

A pleasant kiss

Receiving or having a pleasant kiss in your dream signifies that you will attract people that you desire. These people will be drawn to you and will find you attractive. You will find much satisfaction in this because you would feel the same way towards them.

A kiss on the forehead from a friend

I just had a dream about an old friend I know helping and protecting me. Then suddenly he showed affection and kissed me on my forehead. When I confronted him he just kissed me again and tried to explain that he loves me and will do everything to protect me.

A forehead kiss in a dream denotes respect, protection, and affection. This dream where an old friend confesses his love to you may be a projection of how you actually feel about him in reality. You may have developed feelings for your friend and the scenario your mind conjured in the dream, in a way, validates your strong feelings for him. It is possible that the way he treats you also planted the idea in your mind that what he feels towards you is no longer platonic.

Kissing your enemy

Kissing your enemy in your dream or a person you do not get along with is an indication that you will be able to reach a compromise with this particular person. Whatever you'll work on will be agreeable to both of you and this will end the major conflict you may currently have.

Suffocating while being kissed

I hadn't seen my partner for a while, I was asleep in bed an he came in and woke me with a kiss. I had to push him away because during the kiss I couldn't breath, I was gasping for air.

Being awoken from sleep with a kiss during a dream vision suggests something dramatic is about to take place in your love life. While it is unclear whether or not this would be a good or bad thing, you should pay attention to your gut instinct during this time. Furthermore, being unable to breathe during this kiss reveals that you are currently overstretched. Stress and anxiety may be taking its toll on your connection with your partner, so maybe this drama can be avoided by taking some time to relax with each other and communicate your feelings clearly.

Weird kiss

Having a weird kiss in your dream, like with a monster, a dead person or with lifeless objects, shows that you are under the negative spell of something that is powerful. This can be a psychic or some unexplained force that is ruling your life at the moment. It can also mean that you could be under the influence of unusual circumstances in your life which have the capability to affect you negatively.

Kissing your lover in the dark

A dream of kissing your lover in the dark is actually a warning against your partner's behavior. There could be some unwanted actions that he or she may engage in, something that is frivolous or vulgar in nature.

Kissing your spouse

Kissing your spouse in your dream means that you will have a very smooth-sailing marriage. Your life together will be filled with happiness, harmony, respect and mutual love. There could be rough patches along the way but you will be able to withstand any challenge that will arise.

Someone kissing your lover

Dreaming that someone is kissing your lover right in front of you is a vision of lost respect. Your high regard towards your partner might be diminished or lessened because of something that he or she will do. It could be through his or her words, or an undesirable act.

Kissing an attractive stranger

In general, kissing a stranger conveys a warning to the dreamer about the possibility of getting involved in illicit acts and questionable undertakings. This could ruin your reputation once news of your shady dealings come to light. Perhaps your subconscious is reminding you to think carefully before engaging in clandestine affairs. On the other hand, kissing an attractive stranger could merely be illustrative of your repressed nature. Your desire to connect more intimately with others is thereby projected into your subconscious through this dream vision. Maybe you are now ready to open yourself up to potential partners as a result of being more self-aware.

Being caught while kissing

Being caught while kissing or having someone walk in on you and your partner while doing it, reflects being betrayed by people you trust. These people who pretend to be your good friends, will do something indecent behind your back or mock you. This action can cause a ripple in your life and possibly affect you in a major way.

A child giving you a kiss

A child giving you a kiss in your dream means that you will be burdened with additional responsibilities. You will be entrusted with more duties, whether in your job or in your personal life. However, this is something that you do not look forward to and might even give you some distress.

Kissing a foreigner

Kissing a foreigner in your dream is a positive sign. It means that you will be victorious against people who are your adversaries, or those whom you are competing with, whether at work or elsewhere.

A kiss from your mother

Receiving a kiss from your mother is a positive sign. It shows you are valued, respected and loved by people who are dear to you. It also indicates that you will be very successful in your current undertakings.

Kissing dwarfs or elderly people

Kissing dwarfs or elderly people in your dream shows that you need to exert a lot of effort in order to get the results you want. Whatever you are working on right now in your job or personal life, would require a lot of energy on your part before you can achieve what you strive for. Keep being diligent and your efforts will be rewarded.

Kissing a dead person on the forehead

Kissing a dead person on the forehead reflects experiencing both happy and not-so-happy moments in equal intensity. You will go through both a period of pleasant and unpleasant experiences that will transpire in equal intervals.

Kissing your sibling

Kissing your sibling in your dream is a promising sign. There will be a string of pleasant experiences that will be coming your way. It could also mean that you will enjoy deep, meaningful and rewarding relationships with your friends.

Blowing a kiss

Blowing a kiss at someone in your dream reflects your weakness as a person. You tend to be a people pleaser and conform to other people's desires or whims, even though it goes against your own preferences or needs. Try eliminating this habit by being firm, learn to stand on your own in order to be successful in all your goals in life.

Kissing your mother

Kissing your mother in your dream shows that you will be successful in your projects or undertakings. You will be able to finish them as planned, and doing so will gain you much reward materially and emotionally for all your efforts.

Children kissing

Children kissing innocently reflects something positive that will transpire in your life. Compromise will finally be reached among family members about an issue that caused divisiveness among your loved ones. It can also mean that you will find great satisfaction in your job because of something that you have accomplished.

Kissing an animal

Kissing an animal in your dream, like a pet, foretells finding peace and happiness in your life. Some time in the future, you will be able to attain tranquility and contentment which you are yearning for.

Forced to kiss an unattractive person

If you are forced to kiss an unattractive person in your dream, it shows that you are very gullible and submissive. You easily fall under the influence of other people without even realizing it, and follow orders that often make you feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

Kissing someone's feet

Kissing someone's feet in your dream is a sign of receiving unfair treatment from someone. This person whom you know in your real life will bring humiliation in your life, or might treat you unjustly. This could bring you into a period of distress for some time.

Dreaming of yourself in the process of kissing someone else's feet is indicative of your immoderate reliance on other people such as your parents, close friends, a colleague at work or your partner in love. Although this dream does not speak of the extent of your dependency on them, it is important to know that in the worst case scenario this excessive attachment on your part could develop into a situation in which this person or people would have absolute command over you being aware of how much you need them in your life.

Feeling someone's kisses on your body

Feeling someone's kisses on your body, like on your neck or shoulder, foretells a period of happiness that will enter your life. You will soon enjoy a time of contentment, brought about by a pleasant experience that will illuminate your life.

Someone kissing your hand

Having a dream that someone is kissing your hand means that you have the potential to be wealthy beyond your expectations. However, you might be hindered from achieving this because you have certain habits or tendencies that prevent you from reaching your potentials. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate how you approach these situations especially when it comes to money.

Kissing a person who has been drinking

Kissing a person who has been drinking liquor is a sign that this person has let you down in a major way. Because of the disappointment that he or she has caused, you are considering severing your ties with this person who has been a part of your life for a long time.

Kissing a crucifix or a Bible

Kissing a crucifix or a Bible in your dream is a sign of major disappointment towards your partner or fiance. You might soon realize that your loved one is not compatible with you because of the way he or she will behave in the future. You will discover this just in time though, since you might find out about your differences even before you talk about marriage or before you actually get married.

Kissing the ground

Kissing the ground in your dream indicates experiencing extreme humiliation and difficulty. You might go through a time of hardship as you try to change some things around you. It can be your immediate environment, work, or something that you are usually immersed in.

Reluctant to kiss a holy man because of smell

I dreamt that there is a procession going with the body of a holy man and then I go forward to kiss the forehead of the holy man, but get repulsed by the thought that the body may smell, but I am surprised that there is no smell at all.

Envisioning a procession in the context of a dream vision often portends reuniting with someone from your past. Most likely this is someone who was once very important to you, for example, an older family member or popular friend. However, this person seems to have great power and influence over you, suggesting that their return may not be for the best. This seems to be related to your fears about the smell. The absence of smell could mean that this person has moved on and is no longer trying to control you, but it may be best to keep your guard up just in case.