Dreams Related To Horse

A white horse in general

White horses are a not always a positive symbol. It rather depends on the particular relationship held with the horse and the ongoing actions. For example dreams that involve watching a white horse from a distance reaching towards you may indicate that someone will righteously file a complaint against you, or righteously oppose to the completion of your current project or relationship. However, if you are a woman, such observation may bring the promise of a fruitful marriage.

Dreaming about horses meaning and interpretation

A beautiful horse

Dreaming of observing or seeing beautiful horses from a distance often brings the promise of upcoming prosperity and success, regardless of what you do in particular. That is, the impeding success is not dependent upon your specific current actions.

Men killing a brown horse

I was riding a brown horse. I tied it in a place. Two men with their dogs came and attacked me and killed the horse.

The brown horse in your dream vision alludes to your willpower and determination. It could be a symbol for your resolve to become accomplished and successful in your chosen path or current endeavors. However, the men with their dogs may refer to an influential enemy who would strive to bring you down. The dogs, symbolizing loyalty and protection, represent your enemy's allies in the plot to discredit or demotivate you. Perhaps you need to be more careful in dealing with suspicious characters.

A black horse

Dreaming of riding on a raven, black or dark-colored horse often symbolizes the sudden realization of how meaningless, irrelevant and unworthy of attention is some perhaps successful relationship, business, or activity which you are currently involved in. That is, something which is currently attracting your dedication and efforts suddenly reveals itself as a looming and unfruitful endeavor.

Traveling by riding on a horse

I was riding a horse, then stopped at this lady's house to stay the night. I was traveling somewhere. I made sure I securely tied my horse to the tree pretty close to the other horse that was outside her house. I then went to get on my horse the next day, and made it all the way to my house, and my mom had told me that it wasn't my horse. I had a vision of the horse I had now "stolen", eating my horse. Later another dog was eating my dog at some lady's house. I watched the video of it in my dream.

Horses are strong and powerful animals often associated with wildness and independent spirit. Perhaps losing your horse as a result of it being eaten by another horse in your dream depicts your upcoming personal transformation. You could be on the verge of becoming less dependent on others and feeling more comfortable in your own skin. The part of the dream with the vision of a dog consuming your own dog may be a reference to a dog-eat-dog world. This means that you would have to undergo a lot of difficulties which would probably disillusion you and this would trigger the transformation you would inevitably go through.

Horses by a fence and bitten by one

I climbed over a fence and saw a group of beautiful palomino horses tied to a fence. Then I saw a young one which became aggressive and wouldn't let me pass through. Then a really small horse started to bite my hand and wouldn't stop. I would like to know what this represents please?

Fences in dreams convey both positive and negative messages. Fences are often associated with protection from harm and privacy. They can also be seen as barriers, obstacles or confinement. In the context of your dream, the former interpretation may be more applicable because of the presence of an aggressive horse. Jumping or climbing over a fence denotes risky behavior, while an aggressive horse typically points to possible accidents during travels. Hence, your subconscious may be telling you to take extra care and control your impulsive tendencies, especially outside of your home, in order to avoid harmful incidents.

A horse in bed

I dreamed that I was in the house I grew up in when I was a child and there was a horse sleeping in my bed.

Dreaming about seeing a horse inside your house is symbolic of soon receiving some new information from a close acquaintance or friend. The notion of finding the horse sleeping in your bed could also indicate that this news could be related to some intimate details or sensitive information you want to keep to yourself. Perhaps your romantic affair with someone could turn sour or the person you are interested in meeting or dating will reject you for reasons soon to be revealed to you.

Injured or dead horse

Dreaming of looking at, or coming across an injured or dead horse often portends the receiving of some unpleasant or disappointing news. These news are related to something to which you have dedicated yourself to in past or present times. Something tragic might come to that particular project or relationship, and you would now have to deal with the consequences of those unfortunate events.

A horse on the doorstep

Dreaming about opening the door and seeing a horse at your doorstep or in the backyard is a good sign. It commonly suggests that you have waited for a long time for the resolution of an old problem, issue or difficulty. This dream suggests that the resolution of this old problem may finally happen and allow you to move forward with your life.

Riding on a horse inside a house

Sitting on a horse inside my house.

Sitting on a horse inside your house is often indicative of receiving an important written correspondence. In wake life, this image is often reminiscent of the Pony Express, representing the exchange of information via writing. The sender is likely someone you are very familiar with, either a family member or business associate, whose words or messages bear enough importance for you to ignore.

A herd of horses grazing in the field

Dreaming of seeing a group of horses posing or grazing in the field suggests that your business or venture is nicely and effectively set up. Your business partners will join your efforts, act to your advantage, and support this project’s success and good fortune. The symbol speaks of collectively pleasant and relaxed circumstances regarding something which you are currently interested in pursuing.

Horse as a stallion

Dreaming about a stallion usually means propensity to success. Stallions are a symbol of power and virility. They alone are responsible for the breeding, and those who were chosen, due to the quality of their genes, to generate offspring. That is, the plans, activities and people that currently captivate your interest can only but benefit from your presence and actions. You will probably overachieve at whatever you are currently doing.

A criminal getting away on a horse

Dreaming about observing a criminal getting away from justice on a horse is commonly a very positive sign. It may mean that you will be able to avoid some impeding danger due to the use of your own good judgment and analytical skills. That is, the fugitive was smart enough to use the available runaway means. Similarly, you may also be able to do likewise when faced with a menace and skillfully return to safety.

Descending from the mountaintop on a horse

Dreaming of seeing yourself descend from the top of a mountain on a horseback suggests that that unfortunate circumstances and hardships may enter your life. Since you are comfortably sitting on the horse, each however effortless step is taking you further and further away from you objectives and aspirations.

An aggressive horse

Dreams about dealing with or seeing an aggressive horse warns you about possible traveling accidents. You are advised to postpone or avoid the trip altogether. You should also avoid paying a visit to someone, if such commute involves driving or flying. That is, you should expect that any journey that you might plan in the short run could result in negative outcomes. The horse violently resists carrying you around.

Note that this may also be a positive sign, with exactly the opposite meaning. That is, the horse puts up a fight, but the trip will nonetheless greatly contribute to the overall success of a project or endeavor you are currently working on. That is, it may reveal professional growth and advancement. For the correct interpretation one must consider fully the dream’s outcome of the horse’s aggression, and one’s feeling regarding it.

Horseback riding for females

For women, the dream of seeing themselves on a fast horseback riding may symbolize the uncertain nature of their wishes and desires. That is, you do not know what to do with your life, and simply see yourself from a distance speeding through your life, paying little attention to what exists around you. You may also be excessively reliant on someone, to the point of becoming too dependent and becoming unable to do anything on your own.

Riding a white horse

Dreaming of riding on a white horse often symbolizes that the relationships you may have with your friends or people who are close to you currently have solid and unbreakable ties. These bounds will probably improve and take the relationship further. Moreover, it could also be an indication that you cherish and value your friends and make every encounter with them meaningful, worthy and unforgettable for everyone involved.

Slapping or hitting a horse

Dreaming about slapping or hitting a horse is a bad sign. It suggests that you are being careless, inattentive, and even perhaps hostile regarding someone you hold dear to your heart. Such dream may further foretell that you are about to lose that significant other due to your own unthoughtful actions.

An undernourished horse

Dreaming that you are observing or riding on an undernourished horse often portends hardships and difficulties. It may be that there will be obstacles standing in your way preventing you from progressing and achieving all the things you deem important. Note that this struggle is not necessarily restricted to the resources availability, as the horse’s famine might suggest. That is, the struggle may be related to some other vital aspects of your activities or relationships.

Horses pulling a nice-looking cart

Dreams involving visions of horses pulling a nice-looking cart, such as those which usually carry newlyweds, are a very positive sign. These often speak of gaining the respect and admiration of those people who are prominent, and have a high social status. That is, you could become famous amongst other reputable peers.

White horse

A white horse can have positive or negative connotations depending on your situation in wake life. For young, unmarried women, a white horse moving towards your could represent finding a good marriage candidate in the near future. A horse moving away from her, then, means that she would remain single for a long time or that she is destined to become a spinster. For married people or those better established in life, a white horse coming towards them suggests they would be on the receiving end of someone's righteous indignation, while a white horse moving away from them means they would be able to avoid such a conflict.

Galloping horse

In a dream, a galloping horse can hold a symbolic interpretation of passion, freedom, and serendipity in your waking life. The keen sight of the horse running wild and free shows your desire to experience life with the same sense of liberty and abandonment. In terms of fortune, this is a sign of good luck or success on the horizon, encouraging you to take risks and pursue your goals with fervor.

An unclean horse

Dreaming of observing or riding on a dirty, shabby, untidy or unclean horse often means that there is a close relationship that is about to disappoint you. You should be suspicious about someone that you hold in great esteem and trust, for that person may be about to deceive you, or trick you in a despicable manner.

Horses attacking

Being attacked by horses in the dream realm is an ill omen and should be considered a warning to be wary of your own judgement in certain matters. This symbol is often considered a metaphor for lacking reason or objectivity, leading to poor choices or rash decisions. It is imperative that you take this prophesy seriously, and use whatever tools and sources you have available to free yourself from making a huge mistake that could have negative repercussions both for yourself and those closest to you.

Admiring a shod horse

Dreaming about looking at and admiring a newly-shod horse predicts that your success has positively surprised and bewildered you. You have surpassed your most optimistic expectations. For women, this dream can mean that you will find someone who merits your trust and devotion. You may even want to maintain a romantic relationship with this person that lasts for the rest of your life.

Riding a horse back and forth

Dreaming about riding a horse back and forth or round and round in one big circle may symbolize the existence of a permanent process between you and somebody else. For example, you may be corresponding with someone for quite some time, writing and reading the answers. The writing process in itself is often consists of writing and re-writing. Hence it may also be that this dream is not about corresponding with someone else, but about your own writing process.

Well-harnessed horse

Dreaming of seeing or riding on a well-harnessed horse is a very positive sign. You will probably meet someone who will become a great life partner, or whom you might marry. In both cases, this person will complement and enhance your life in every possible way. That is, the harnessing of the horse enhances the fit between the rider and the ride, and will allow you to benefit from the ride to the best of its potential.

Horses as part of cavalry

Dreaming about a horse or horses which are part of the cavalry or a squadron often suggests that you may soon be fully involved in all sorts of political actions. Alternatively, you may get involved in some social relations affairs, or social scandals. In common, the interpretation speaks of the public visibility and notoriety of some of your upcoming actions, projects or relations. In itself, this is neither a good nor a bad sign. It simply tells you that the public’s eyes might turn towards your social, legal, institutional or political deeds.

A quickly-approaching horse

Being surpassed, bested or beaten by a speeding horse warns you to be cautious. You should be wary about a close friend’s intention, since that person might soon betray the trust and confidence you have devoted them. That is, you should expect that even a close friend may turn into an enemy or adversary, and try to outwit, degrade or humiliate you.

Unsaddled horse

Dreaming of observing yourself easily riding on an unsaddled horse often means you will encounter some hardships and tough times. However, you will eventually be able to overcome such obstacles, and subsequently experience a comfortable and prosperous existence. Your friends may prove useful by providing help. They may be partly responsible for your successful resolution of the issues or problems which have arisen.

Riding on a black horse for females

For women, horseback riding a black horse in a dream symbolizes the realization of their desires via some unexpected circumstance, or lucky coincidence. That is, you most probably will see your desires and aspirations come true. However, this positive outcome resulted not from your own efforts, but from chance factors. To assure success, you should also benefit from talking with wise people, who are genuinely concerned about your future and seek some much needed advice.

Dreaming about horses what is the meaning

Neighing or wild horse

Having a dream about being close to a neighing horse, or of taming a wildly-kicking horse is a good sign. It usually suggests that you will become successful in business, get promoted or receive long-awaited profits regarding a project or venture you have been working on. In both cases, the horse is manifesting its nature in a non-disagreeable manner.

Disobedient horse

Dreaming about losing control and becoming unable to ride on a disobedient or wild horse is a bad omen. It usually reveals your proneness to act or react inappropriately. That is, you may become overwhelmed by, or fail to counteract the actions and behavior of those who are competing against you, or trying to interfere with your business projects. By losing the charge of your own plans, you may even end up becoming unable to complete them.

Unable to save a baby horse

I found a small horse foal which I first thought was dead, but when I held its mouth to a running tap, it was just thirsty and it recovered. I put it in a car, and later on realized that it was dead.

Horses are often seen as messengers in dream visions. In this particular case, the image of a dying horse portends receiving news that greatly troubles or negatively affects you. Water is a positive symbol associated with life-giving properties. Trying to help the horse recover by providing it with water and succeeding momentarily indicates that, with some intervention, not all hope is lost. However, because you are unable to save its life in the end, your attempts to salvage this developing situation are likely in vain.

Harnessed horses

Dreaming about seeing several harnessed horses, tied up together and ready for a joint venture, such as pulling a cart, is a simultaneously positive and negative symbol. It suggests that on the road to happiness and prosperity, there may be great obstacles and difficulties ahead. In this case, you would first need to overcome some hard tasks and rough paths. Only after would you succeed, and finally start feeling happy and comfortable.

Milking a horse

Dreaming that you are milking a horse usually translates impeding life changes. These changes may be responsible for a lasting impression upon an otherwise untroubled and easy going life. That is, a bizarre occurrence will probably take place and be remembered for a very long time.

Two-legged horse

Dreams involving visions of a chimeric and illusory image of a two-legged horse often represent a positive achievement. In particular, you may be about to receive the respect and recognition from someone with a very close relation to you. For example, your relatives, your colleagues or your partner may come to admire you and your deeds.

Buying a horse

Dreaming about seeing yourself buy a horse and soon realizing that you were swindled or fooled by the seller portends the possibility of material losses. You may soon lose some valuable or cherished property or possession.

What does it mean to have a dream about horses near water

Horses in a lake

There were horses in a lake and they started running around in a circle creating a whirlpool that kept rising higher and higher.

The images in this vision are fairly straightforward, but the interpretation could have dual meanings. Horses, especially those that are running, represent your energy in life. In this case, they show an abundance of energy which creates a whirlpool. The whirlpool, however, represents rising challenges in your life which make it difficult to make progress. This dream, then, has two possible meanings. If you tend to have trouble focusing your energy in wake life, this could be a sign that you are working against yourself. If you have felt tired and listless lately, it could predict an increase in energy which gives you the strength to overcome the obstacles in your path.

Being kicked by a horse

Dreaming about being kicked off a horse’s saddle, or about being kicked by the horse often foretells a period of sickness and weakness. Alternatively, it may mean that you should expect battles and confrontations with enemies, competitors or adversaries, and you will be defeated at least once. In both cases, you might be temporarily unable to carry forward your projects or relationships.

If, in the dream, you were able to regain control of the horse by getting a hold of its bridle, this symbol is rather a positive sign. It foretells beneficial, self-fulfilling and successful life changes.

Shoeing a horse

Dreaming about shoeing a horse on your own is a symbol of the acquisition of a great amount of property or other material possessions in a questionable, dishonest or illegal way. That is, the circumstances via which you came into the ownership of some material good are of a dubious ethical nature.

A pied horse

Dreaming of observing or riding on a horse with more than one color, or pied horse, suggests that the completion of a project will probably bring future revenues, or other kinds of personal advantages. Alternatively, the start of a new venture is what will probably bring those benefits. That is, where one of the horse’s colors ends the other harmoniously starts, and it is such conjugation that may bring you positive outcomes.

Finding a horseshoe

Horseshoes typically are a symbol of good fortune. Dreaming about finding a horseshoe or accidentally coming across a horseshoe is thus an indication of good luck. You will probably be positively surprised by some unexpected occurence that you are about to experience in your life. For women, this dream may suggest that you will find a very caring and reliable life partner. You will start an intimate relationship with someone with whom you will want to spend the rest of your days with, and who is worthy of such desire.

Talking to a horse

Dreaming that you are talking to a horse or whispering into its ears may mean that you will soon be pleasantly surprised. In particular, you may be positively impressed by your own sympathetic and generous action of helping and supporting someone who is in need of help. Such altruistic and kind gesture will go around and come around. That is, later on, you may also be surprised by seeing such action come back to benefit you.

Riding a horse underwater

Riding a white horse under the ocean.

Dreaming about riding on a white horse often symbolizes that the relationships you may have with your friends or people who are close to you currently have solid and unbreakable ties. Being underwater or under the ocean, however, means that your connections with certain people may be emotionally-charged at the moment. Whatever subsequent problems may arise, they could end up strengthening or breaking the bond depending on how much you value these relationships.

Getting off a horse

Dreaming of seeing yourself trying to or being in the process of getting off a horse's back often represents the possibility of negative changes. In particular, you may be about to face some changes in your life which will not be in your favor nor bring any benefits. Symbolically speaking, you are leaving behind the comfort of the horseback, and about to start your path on foot.

Being presented with horse meat

Dreaming about being presented with or of being offered horse meat reveals that you will probably experience lengthy, complicated and humiliating procurements or decision-making processes. That is, you will be invited to choose between receiving or refusing the gift, none of which would be a very good choice. Either one may bring you disappointments and confusion.

A white flying horse killing hanging bats

A white flying horse killing bats that is hanging upside down from a tree.

This dream can be interpreted as solving problems or issues related to people you are trying to impress or get attention of (could be work-related or personal matters) and who are likely rejecting your attempts to establish a dialogue (symbols of bats hanging upside down on a tree). The flying horse represents the way you may succeed in these trials, this communication or dialogue will take place in writing (paper or electronic). When you mention a tree in this dream, it is usually an indication of your shyness or lack of confidence (to some extent) when getting your messages across.

Crossing a stream on a horse

Crossing a stream or a small river with clear water on a horse back in a dream often is a good sign. It represents that you are able to surpass any obstacles that are put in front of you. You should expect luck, and the success in your activities. Please note that the interpretation of this symbol is associated with the transparency of the water, and the reaching of the other side. If the water is rather murky, dark or unclean, you should expect instead hardships, and great impediments. If you fail to cross the river, than your project may not be completed at all.

Taking a horse to a water hole

Dreaming that you are taking a horse to drink water from a water hole, a river stream or a water source is a sign of seeing one’s good health preserved, or one’s ill condition improved. That is, by offering your horse the possibility of enjoying the biologically fundamental life-enhancing water resource, you are assuring that its life is nourished and satisfied.

An exhausted horse

Dreaming that an exhausted horse is unable to pull the cart is a symbol of upcoming hard work and duties. These obligations will demand a great amount of personal time and energy investment, before they are completed to your satisfaction. It is also possible that eventually you will feel tired during the progression of the task.

A horse with a long and bushy tail

Dreams involving the vision of a horse with a long and bushy tail usually suggest that you can rely on your friends. They will lend you a helping hand in any difficult situation or difficulty that you may come across. Alternatively, it may mean that you are about to fulfil your dreams, and experience happiness and success as a result. This applies to everything with which you are involved with, including marriage.

A brown horse with a white saddle

Please interpret my dream. I dreamt it was evening and there was a dark brown horse with white saddle, it was standing next to the pool in the condominium where I live.

Seeing a dark brown horse standing close to your residence portends a powerful epiphany. You may have embarked on an enterprise, relationship or project of some kind and could soon find yourself having a sudden realization about its future. It is unclear what you could soon realize about this particular endeavor, but it would likely cause you to make a change or shift as to how you handle or participate in it.

Trying to ride a kicking horse

Dreams about trying to ride or tame a wildly kicking horse are often a symbol of great future obstacles. These obstacles would be related to your current intentions or plans about starting up a project, or achieving a particular goal. That is, the development or implementation of your idea will probably offer great resistance.

Horse races

Dreaming that you participate in a horse race is an emotionally positive symbol. You are riding a good horse in a very good company, for a particular and fortunate cause. Such dream represents the blessing of your current affairs, and in particular a blessing of prosperity and luck.

Brushing a horse

Dreaming that a horse is being cleaned with a brush by you or someone else is often a symbol of experiencing some current and great hardships. It is not easy to brush a horse up until it becomes admirably beautiful. That is, the dream may mean that you might have to go through a great ordeal before achieving your goals, and seeing your success recognized and accepted.

A spooked horse

Having a dream about being near or seeing a spooked horse suggests that one of your most cherished intimate relationships may be going through a rough patch. Negative feelings, such as jealousy and mistrust, may be abundant. These may be having a negative impact on both of you. It is even possible that the near future might bring a breakup. It is therefore advised to firstly attend to these feelings, and work on building more positive relationship foundations. That is, a spooked horse is a symbol of presently experienced emotional negativity. It is important to deal with it.

Dreams about wild horses or a horse running free

A horse running free

A horse running free is a symbol of freedom and happiness. Dreaming about one suggests that a pleasant and enjoyable period is soon to follow. During this period, you can expect your dreams and aspirations to come true.

A stranger riding on a horse

Having a dream about seeing a strange or unfamiliar person riding a horse is usually a negative sign. It translates the possibility of making an unpleasant discovery about your partner, namely that they are cheating on you. This news will probably arrive when a few additional signs suggestive of such infidelity have come about.

Riding in a cart pulled by three horses

Dreaming of observing yourself riding on a cart or carriage pulled by three horses is neither a positive nor negative sign. Rather, it speaks of the possibility of having to pay a big price for an easily done favor. That is, you were perhaps helped by someone in the past and this person contributed to finding a solution for the problem you had. However, such offered help may end up costing you a lot.

Someone cutting a horse with a knife

I had a dream about a horse. The horse was eating, someone said got cut near the kidney to make the horse feel better. Someone started to cut the horse with a big knife, the horse just continued to eat with no pain and blood was gushing out. After a while the horse laying down and relaxed, not in pain at all. Please let me know what this means. Thank you.

Dreaming about a horse eating its food has a mixed symbolism. While horses generally represent good tidings, the image of an injured horse somehow gives off a negative vibe. Seeing someone injuring the horse in the dream should be considered a forewarning of gloom and darkness. Perhaps your endeavors might not be as successful as you expected. Somehow, the horse feeling no pain could mean that these problems might cause you little grief. However being alert and aware of events around you or pertaining to you could help ward off any future unpleasantness.

A sand-colored horse

Seeing a hopping sand-colored horse in a dream may symbolize that the worry-free and happy-go-lucky life you have been leading may suddenly become hectic and stressful. That is, the holiday-like existence suggested by the color sand is hopping, rather than strolling. Alternatively, just like a jump that holds over ground but only temporarily, you may be succumbing to activities or passions which are destined to be superficial, short-lived, and temporary.

A dapple horse

Dreaming about riding on a magnificent dapple horse, with spots spread over its body, represents your ability to follow through and realize your boldest desires or aspirations. That is, you will achieve an outstanding and rare deed, in the same way dapple horses are uncommon and wonderful. Alternatively, you will achieve a higher social status, and thereafter be more respected and admired by those around you.

For women, this dream can indicate that you will be able to reject the romantic advances and attention that a bothersome admirer is lavishing you with. Alternatively, it may mean that you will receive some material benefit, or financial support.

A horse returning to the wild herd

Dreaming of observing a horse leaving you and returning to a herd of wild horses is often a sign of imminent negative news, news that would have an emotionally negative impact on you. That is, that with which you had a good relationship suddenly returns to the place where the wild, unknown and unpredictable things are. For example, a disease is something that represents the possibility of death, though merely the possibility. Then, knowing that someone is ill will bring that unknown aspect into the relationship between you and the sick person.

Crossing a deep river on a horse

Dreaming that a horse carries you on its back while it is swimming through a deep river often indicates that you will probably receive profits and be successful in your plans, aspirations and businesses. That is, you will arrive to the other side of the river, alongside the object of your attention. This object, such as a person or a task, can be expected to bring you great achievements.

Adorning horse's mane and tail

Dreaming that you are adorning a horse's mane or tail with flowers or garlands is often a very positive sign for businessman, farmers and all those in the writing and publishing business. It often speaks of being blessed with success or fame. That is, you will succeed in your endeavors in a gallant manner.

Horseback ride to top of mountain

Dreaming that you are riding on a horseback through a steep and narrow mountain road, while aiming for the top of the mountain is a positive sign. It often means that you have reached a very stable, focused and worry-free existence. That is, you are comfortably seated on the horseback, steadily advancing towards your most desired objective. However, if the horse becomes exhausted and the road to the top involves a final track that must be done on foot, you should probably expect that the stability of your path is about to end. That is, you would have to first surmount some difficulties, and make some great individual efforts before finally achieving the desired objective.

Riding on a horse with the lover behind

For women, dreaming about riding a horse, with your current lover sitting right behind you on the horse back is usually a good sign. It often means that you will receive a lot of attention from an interesting and successful admirer, perhaps even from several admirers.

Scared while riding on a horse

Dreaming of seeing yourself descend from the top of a mountain on a horseback suggests that that unfortunate circumstances and hardships may enter your life. Since you are comfortably sitting on the horse, each however effortless step is taking you further and further away from you objectives and aspirations.

Turning into a pig after getting off the horse

For a woman, dreaming about turning into a pig as soon as getting off a horse, and hitting the ground, is often an ambivalent symbol. It encompasses the possibility of having illustrious and respectable admirers seeking your attention. However, it further includes the possibility of rejecting your admirers’ advances in a rash, unthoughtful and inconsiderate manner. Soon you may however realize that you were unrightfully a pig for those worthy others who sought your attention, and will probably regret having done so.

Riding on a white and followed by a black horse

Dreaming about riding on a white horse while being followed by someone on a black horse often translates a worry. In particular, you may be concerned with the success and completion of one of your current main projects or relationships. You may be afraid of miserably failing to see it to a good end, or see it succeed. Alternatively, it may be that you experience periods of success, and periods of disappointment. At times, your current main project shines. However, sometimes, it becomes gloomy. Such constant switch is probably making you preoccupied.

A horse falling out of the sky

Dreaming about seeing a horse falling off the sky and turning into someone who is a stranger to you is a negative sign. It could mean a stranger may bring you some serious misfortune or disappointment. It could also mean that a sudden and unexpected event could make you temporarily unable to maintain your current affairs under control, and misfortune might soon follow.

Horses grazing in a barren field

Dreaming of observing a herd of horses grazing in a barren field or pasture often is a positive sign. It suggests that you are or will be surrounded by poor and yet very valuable and dedicated friend. Symbolically speaking, the horses are eating alongside each other and amicably sharing their meager resources. Nevertheless, there is an overall pleasant atmosphere. If the dreamer is a woman, this may rather reveal the possibility of a happy marriage, characterized by peaceful and enjoyable relationships between household members.

Someone selling a horse

Dreaming about observing or encountering a horse seller is often a sign of future risky and uncertain commercial or business dealings. Although of a dubious nature, such transactions may prove to be advantageous. These may bring a lot of profit and prosperity for you and your family. That is, it is possible that you will bet on the right horse.

Selling a horse

Having a dream about selling horses, while retaining the best horse in your possession, is a very positive sign. It commonly means that your choices regarding your current affairs will be blessed with good fortune and success. That is, you will probably make wise choices regarding your projects or possessions, discarding unnecessary or invaluable investments.

Sitting on a standing horse

Dreaming about sitting on the back of a standing horse means you will meet someone who will become your most trusted and reliable friend. It can also mean that you will receive help and support from friends who are very close to you, and with whom you hold a very good relationship. Moreover, their intervention will arrive in a time of undeniable need. That is, you will rest on a quiet and welcoming horse.

Draft horse

Dreaming about seeing or encountering a draft horse, large enough to be used for pulling heavy loads, often translates your worry about your domestic chores, your house renovation, or your household members. That is, there is a particular domestic aspect of your life which is causing you such a great preoccupation that the draft horse is required for its transportation, for moving it about.

Riding on a horse and followed by others

Dreaming of watching yourself on a fast horse ride while being followed by other riders often foretells the receiving of long-awaited news. That is, you have not slowed down your pace while waiting, for a long period of time, for some message, answer or reply. Finally, the other riders are right behind you, catching up with your speed with the intention of delivering it to you.

A lame horse

Dreaming about riding on a lame horse means that your plans or aspirations could involve temporary difficulties, in such a way that you might be rendered unable to fulfill them. That is, your projects or relationships are as if injured or ill, and will not have the expected positive outcome.

Grooming a horse

Dreaming about taking care or grooming a horse means you are about to meet a person who will become your best friend. That is, a very important relationship is developing under your thoughtful attention. This relationship will prove itself to be reciprocal, in that you will also be similarly helped, supported and assisted by your friend during a time of need.

An inanimate horse coming alive

Dreaming that an inanimate horse returns to life, or of observing the stone sculpture of a horse become alive translates the possibility of going back to the pursuit of plans and projects you had already set aside or given up all together. That is, that which was supposedly dead re-lives once more, and will be the target of your renewed efforts.

If the horse in this dream came to live and soon began acting violently, the meaning carried forward by the dream changes. In particular, you most probably will meet someone from your past, and this person will be the cause of great grievance and hardships. That is, past conflicts will resurface, bringing once more into your life disappointment and old, unsolved problems.

Trying to ride an inanimate horse

Dreaming about trying to ride on an inanimate horse, the statue of a horse, or the drawing of a horse usually means you might be subjected to a critical observation failure. Namely, there may be fundamental characteristics about other people, and about particular activities that you leave unnoticed. Therefore, you will interact with those people and activities in an inappropriate and unfruitful manner, and become exposed to negative and unfavorable circumstances. You may even soon realize that your plans went down the drain, and you failed to achieve your objectives. That is, you failed to notice that the horse was not fit to ride, it was not alive.

Bird-eye view of horses scattering around

Having a dream about looking from above at a scattered herd of horses scattering is usually a negative sign. You are not interacting with the people and projects of interest, and these people and projects are also not interacting with each other. You are simply observing them from a distance. This often translates impeding misfortune and complications. That is, you had a distant and bird view over that with which you should be relating to.

A draft horse pulling a heavy load

Dreaming that a draft horse is pulling a heavy load is commonly an indication that you tend to take on your own shoulders an excessive amount of responsibilities. You are, or will be the first one to overload yourself with issues and problems which should or could be shared with others for an lighter and smoother resolution. That is, the draft horse is single-handedly managing an inadequately large amount of weight. Bringing on more draft horses could only make the task easier.

Covering a horse with a blanket

Seeing yourself covering a horse with a blanket in a dream is often a warning. You should watch your spending habits and change the ways you acquire things. You should find a balance between your budget and your expenses. Otherwise, you will risk finding yourself in a sort of homeless person situation. However, the interpretation changes when the blanket is well-crafted and its purpose was protecting the horse. In this case, you should expect to be pleasantly surprised with the outcomes of something you have been trying to accomplish.

Hand-feeding a horse

Having a dream about hand-feeding a horse often means that you will be busy taking care of those around you. You will dedicate some time, effort and energy with the objective of helping those who are close to you, and with whom you have a good relationship. This especially applies to those people who are presently in a time of need. Despite such sympathetic dedication, you will not perhaps be giving without seeing any return. That is, it may be that you end up being rewarded by your altruistic actions. For example, you could end up having built the foundations of a stronger and better relationship with the supported person.

Watching a horse at a horse-racing track

Dreaming about watching a horse run in an enclosed horse racing track facility could be an indication that one of your friends or acquaintances may be facing some difficulties. That person may even be unable to deal with such hardships alone, and your help may be of benefit. Be ready to lend a helping hand, and you might be surprised at how quickly these problems can be solved. That is, the horse in running around in circles, with no visible or current exit possibility.

Horse as a mare

Dreaming about seeing or being close to a mare is sign of domestic prosperity. Mares are a symbol of fertility and docility. They attend to their offspring with loving care. Therefore, you should expect that the atmosphere surrounding you and your household will be very warm, pleasant and affectionate. Every aspect involving you home is expected to progress nicely.

Fitting a small horseshoe on a horse

Dreaming that you are trying to fit a small or broken horseshoe on a horse is not a very positive sign. It usually translates the proneness for being blamed for fraudulent or questionable activities, and going through a difficult, grieving, uneasy and uncomfortable process as a result. Alternatively, you may also be trying to unjustly blame someone. That is, the wrong shoe is being put on you, or on some acquaintance of yours.

Traveling long distances on a horse

Dreaming of seeing yourself traveling long distances or going on a horse to a faraway place in a dream is a positive sign. It often represents the possibility of coming across an unexpected but happy occurrence. Such event would benefit you and help you achieve your desires, wishes or aims.

A horse entering bedroom

Dreaming that a horse enters your bedroom while you are sleeping or fantasizing may speak of your sexual desires. In particular, you may be sexually attracted to someone specific and wishing that this person would go into the bedroom with you.

A horse carrying valuable goods

Dreaming about seeing a horse carry valuable commodities on its back is a negative symbol. Namely, you may soon be demoted at work, or be discarded and substituted by someone better-skilled or more efficient. That is, your skills and effectiveness seem to be insufficient compared to those required of someone holding your current professional status or job.

Letting a horse run free

Dreaming that you allow a horse to run free usually foretells a happy and fortunate occurrence. You can probably expect to experience or be involved in a very pleasant event in the near future.

A fallen horse

Dreaming about a horse that fell on the ground by itself, or while you were riding it is a danger warning. It may happen that you may, accidentally and unexpectedly, soon go bankrupt or experience significant financial losses. Therefore, it is recommendable to pay some attention to your current finances.

Trying to catch a horse

Dreaming about trying to catch a horse often means that you may soon experience some losses. For example, you may lose a project to someone else, a valuable asset or a cherished friend. Moreover, such losses may have come about as a consequence of your own negligence or lack of attention to what was happening around you.

A horse pulling a sledge

Dreaming of seeing yourself ride on a horse-pulled sledge indicates you are about to start working on a new project. However, this activity will probably show itself to be very time and energy-consuming and a complete waste of your time. That is, your personal investment upon the fulfilment of the task may not be properly rewarded.

Being under a horse

Dreaming that you are being crushed by or under a horse due to an accident is a negative sign. It foretells the possibility of coming to experience some dramatic event. Alternatively, you may be caught off-guard and be surprised by other people’s behaviors in an unpleasant or tragic manner.

Feeding a group of horses

Dreaming that you see yourself feed a bunch of horses in their individual stalls is a positive sign. It often foretells the possibility of receiving a surprising profit or advantage. Alternatively, you may also soon make peace with your enemies or adversaries. You may end up seeing everyone stand in an equally favorable position.

A horse shed

Seeing a horse shed or stall usually symbolizes good fortune and extreme luck. That is, some perhaps unexpected event will turn to your benefit. In particular, it could probably positively affect your overall life or at least a certain project or relationship that you currently have.

A winged horse

Watching or riding a winged horse in a dream often indicates that you will occupy yourself with some creative writing. This occupation may consume some of your time, and help you to communicate with others in writing. You may become better able to verbally express your feelings. Alternatively, it may indicate that you will experience extremely good fortune and luck.

Whipping a horse in a hurry

Dreaming of riding a horse to go somewhere and of whipping it in order not to get delayed is not a very positive sign. This is because this dream speaks of the need but also of the inability to fulfill the duties that someone has delegated to you. Despite your efforts to complete the task, you still do not manage to bring it to good terms. As a consequence, there is the likelihood of ending the relationship you had with those who delegated the task to you.

Dragged against ground by a horse

Dreaming about falling off a horse and being dragged around on the ground translates the positive possibility of becoming wealthier. You may even acquire financial independence. This positive gain may have come about due to the employment of your own talents and skills.

Losing a horse

Dreaming about losing a horse and subsequently being in the process of trying to find it usually suggests that you will soon experience an unwanted separation or divorce. That is, you may currently have a relationship or project that you value. However, it is possible that it will soon end against your wishes. As a consequence, it is possible that you will make some anxious attempts to re-ignite them. Alternatively, you may fear that something you cherish may come to an end.

A horse stolen from you

Dreaming about having one of your horses stolen from you is usually a negative sign. It generally speaks of being separated from someone with whom you have an intimate relationship. For example, it may be that your partner is about to leave you, perhaps taking along your conjoint children. This decision to break up could perhaps be the result of existing incapability to sustain the relationship. Finally, the separation may also simply be the result of the death of your partner, of death stealing from you someone you loved.

A horse without a tail

Having a dream about seeing or encountering a horse without a tail is a symbol of an upcoming conflict. It may be that you will get into a big argument or be involved in a struggle or misunderstanding that may be hard to clear up. Surpassing this conflict would probably be a hard task and some time may be needed for its proper resolution.

Praying while on the horse

Dreaming that you are praying while riding or simply sitting on a horse often is a very positive vision. In particular, you may be about to gain the respect and admiration of those around you. Alternatively, you may obtain spiritual freedom and inner peace, either in your current life or in the afterlife.

A horse rolling on the ground

Dreaming about observing a horse roll on dusty grounds symbolizes prosperity and good fortune. That is, you may soon experience receiving some profits, benefits or advantages. This blessing is not bounded to any particular area of your life. That is, any aspect of it may be the one responsible for such good outcomes.

A horse with a dog's head

Dreaming about seeing a horse with a dog’s head is a good sign. Your overall well-being may improve. Simultaneously, or alternatively, the surrounding circumstances and events may bring you joy and pleasure.

A miniature horse

Having a dream about seeing an incredibly small horse, such as a miniature or a dwarf horse, often means that you would be better off by setting your guard up. This is because some unfavorable circumstances or events may be about to be used against you by your enemies, competitors or adversaries. That is, an event or information may be used by ill-intended people to win advantage over you.

Jumping over barriers on a horse

Dreaming about jumping over barriers on a horse is usually a warning. You may be taking professional risk with the intent of solving some work-related issues or problems. However, these risks may have a lasting negative impact on your physical and emotional health. For example, your dangerous career-oriented acts or behavior may result in illness or burn-out symptoms.

A horse with a mane down to the ground

Dreams about seeing a horse with a very long mane, extending all the way down from the neck to the ground often is a warning. It frequently foretells some upcoming insult. Alternatively, you may be belittled. In both cases, the person offending you is likely to be a close and significant person, whom you truly trusted up until that moment.

Breeding horses

Dreaming that you are breeding horses is a positive vision. It often foretells the possibility of being able to resolve problems or issues which have been interfering with the smooth running of your life for quite a long time. That is, your current situation may finally be about to bear the desired fruits.

A circus horse

Dreaming about a circus horse is an ambivalent sign. That is, it reveals to you that sometimes you might have a narcissist, hysteric or egotistic attitude. You may like to show yourself off to those around you, seeking their admiration, reverence or flattery. However worthy of attention you may be, such tendency may be acting to your disadvantage and prevent you from achieving true aspirations and objectives.

A horse sinking in a swamp

Dreaming that a horse is sinking in a swamp may reveal that there is hard work ahead of you. That is, you may be about to start a strenuous and demanding activity, project or task. Such occupation will require a great amount of effort, time and energy. You may have to fully commit yourself to it.

A horse skull

Dreaming of seeing or holding a horse skull is usually a negative sign. It may mean that you are about to experience an overwhelmingly difficult period. These hardships would affect every aspect of your life. Alternatively, the dream could translate upcoming health problems. These would be hard to overcome. In both cases, it may be that it will be difficult for you to move forward with your life for a while.

A black horse in the garden turning into a woman

I stood at my back door and saw a big black horse in my back garden. I unlocked and opened the door to pet it. When I closed the door after several attempts, the horse opened the door. It didn't mean any harm but I remember feeling interrogated. It then walked through the door but transformed into an oldish woman with dark wavy hair.

The black horse in the garden is representative of a mysterious force in your life. It attempting to enter your house and successfully doing so is in a sense you allowing something you are unfamiliar with to enter your life, though there's some fear of it, you know it's just that you are accepting change. Traditionally, horses are not allowed in your home. The transformation into a dark haired older woman is a direct relation to family. It would seem that you are going through some unexpected changes in your family life, but do not be afraid. It's important to embrace the mystery and accept the simple fact that change is an extremely important and vital experience.

Horses having sex

Two horses having sexual intercourse in the missionary position, male above penetrating the female below and lying on her back.

Based on traditional interpretation sources, seeing animals in your dream represented by horses signifies your excessive energy, this could include energy you devote to satisfy your sexual needs. Therefore, this dream could either be a reflection of your recent sexual experience which left a lasting imprint on you at subconscious level, or it could be an expression of your sexual fantasies as a response to your libido.

A boy taking care of a horse

I saw a young horse inside our compound, the horse belonged to one boy in the family. This boy was looking for his young horse because the horse left its position place, but still inside the compound near the gate. I am the one that saw it behind the gate.

Horses are commonly thought of as symbolizing energy and liveliness, especially in relationships. This may even be related to pent-up sexual energy which does not have an outlet at present. Seeing the horse behind a gate, however, further suggests having to control this energy or not access it for some reason. Maybe you do not currently have a romantic partner to show affection for, or your partner may not have the same level of energy or endurance you do. The little boy who owns this horse in your dream, however, represents being on the receiving end of good news. In the future, you may find someone who has the same level of energy you do, or you may learn of another way to fully expend your energy, such as a new hobby.

Buying a small horse in a box

Hi, I recently dreamt that I was in an old apartment and a woman was in my old room with a box. Inside the box was a small black horse or foal she was trying to sell me. I initially made a payment towards the horse with a receipt she showed me, but an additional $20 was needed to keep the process going. I realized I didn't have the money, pushed the box with the horse back towards her. I'm a female, please interpret for me?

The old apartment you found yourself in suggests that you need to reconcile with someone from your past, either someone you hurt or someone who has hurt you. Forgiveness, whether you were the one at fault, can help begin the healing process and help both of you move on. This might be important for your future because the old woman symbolically represents upcoming difficulties in your life. This person may be helpful in getting through whatever challenges you face. Finally, the image of the horse you are trying to buy predicts being fooled or lied to, leading to the loss of money and face. Whatever happens to you, it is likely to hit you in the pocketbook as well as the heart. You may want to be cautious with your money and only trust the advice of those who truly have your interests in mind.

A horse giving birth to a foal

I had a dream that I was visiting a barn with my boyfriend and young son. I look in one of the stalls and there's a large brown mare that had just given birth to a beautiful little brown foal! I was so happy and excited. Then I woke up.

Just as a mare cares for her young offspring, so does this dream portend domestic bliss and serenity in your household. Specifically, this usually means having success with domestic chores, like cooking and cleaning, and maintaining a happy, stable atmosphere at home for the benefit of your boyfriend and child. You are likely to be especially content and satisfied during this period, knowing that everything is taken care of to the best of your ability.

Helping an injured horse

In Germany these people were forcing this white horse to pull something with only three legs, they had the back leg tied up so it could not use it. Later on in the dream I found the same horse laying in the mud, its one back leg was all messed up. I walked up to it to comfort it and it tried to stand up. I tried to keep it from moving and then I woke up.

White horses often represent two interconnected events. First, they indicate that you have recently acted in a way that hurts or belittles someone, upsetting them deeply. As a result, this person has likely complained, either formally or informally, about you, causing some gossip and ill rumors. However, despite being in the wrong from the beginning, it is more likely that the other person is to suffer from their criticism rather than you who acted poorly and started this mess. Whether you straighten things out and apologize is unlikely to change the situation, but may temper some of the feelings of animosity between you and the person you may have offended.

Getting closer to a beautiful horse

A young beautiful rust-colored horse. Running free, yet open to my call. Coming on my call to put our heads together and meet eye to eye.

Horses in a dream usually symbolize energy, and the rust color of this horse's fur can be connected to actions triggered by emotions. Therefore, there are two possible interpretations for this vision. If you are normally an energetic and happy person, you are well-positioned to act in such a manner, although you should be careful not to rely on your emotions in all cases. If you have been feeling sad and down for some reason recently, this dream could be a sign that things are starting to look up for you.

Petting a horse that came by the house

I saw a loose horse roaming around the outside of my house. I was inside my house and portending out the window. I tapped on the window when the horse started to pass and it got startled, then noticed it was me and turned around and came back towards me. It then stuck its head into the window to be petted. I pet it, but then started to walk away to have somebody come look. The horse kept trying to stretch its neck out further and further to keep up with me walking away.

Horses generally imply strength and power. The horse in your dream was friendly, hence portends good luck in your career and your personal life. Horses also represent raw, physical energy as well as sexuality. Perhaps you are now just trying to control certain urges or tame your rebellious nature. The context and the surroundings of the dream are also important in the interpretation of your dream. The horse inside your home, even sticking its head into your window, indicates a fairly important message, a possible written notification, coming from close kin, business acquaintance or a friend. This context about the symbol of the horse seems to suggest the possibility of good news enabling you to gain momentum, some traction in a business venture or personal pursuit on your way to being more in control of your life. Curbing your impulsiveness is key to the window of opportunity coming your way.

A horse tail on the floor

A horse tail (black) being dragged on the floor by a string.

A horse's tail by itself as a dream vision represents success in creative endeavors and gracious, well-polished behavior. In essence, the tail alone is a positive sign suggesting that the dreamer is well-liked and respected. However, seeing the tail being dragged on the floor is highly ominous. If you were the one dragging the tail, it may suggest a callous disregard for the rules of polite society. If someone else was doing this, it may mean that certain individuals are seeking to drag your name through the mud.

A flying horse wearing the same clothes

I am a 28yrs old male, single. I have often in my dream used to see a flying horse wearing the same color and design as the clothes I put on?

Horses tend to represent energy and confidence in everyday activities, so seeing a horse that seems to be dressed the same way as you reflects your internal desire to be more outgoing, sociable or spirited in your daily life. This symbol can suggest that your current mood may be low, and you are likely feeling tired and lonely. Envisioning this horse flying further supports this idea, as seeing yourself flying can point toward the freedom you wish to attain from the burdens you currently carry.

Miniature horses herded into the room

I had always believed in the power of our minds and our ability to see our future if open to it! My question is about a dream I had last night about 8-10 miniature horses, half black and half white, herded into my living room by my cousin!? I at first told her they'd hurt my pet, whatever that was? They were shiny, beautiful and friendly! I wanted to keep them! They looked to me to be the equivalent of a huge horse, only a smaller version. I am an animal lover!

Horses in dream interpretation are often considered the manifestation of your life energy and passion, so seeing multiple horses suggests you have a vivacious personality and a real desire to live life to the fullest. The fact that the horses were smaller than they probably should have been, however, indicates you may want to keep your guard up and be a little more suspicious of others than you normally would. While it is a testament to your positive energy, only looking for the good in people could blind you to a point when people who are not as nice as you are may take advantage of your good character when you least expect it.

A horse protecting from a pack of dogs

In my dream, there was a pack of dogs chasing me when suddenly a horse saw me and started protecting me from them. When it was galloping away, a dog, a pit bull, jumped and bit me, plenty of times. The horse and I then got to my house, but the dogs wouldn't let me enter, they kept blocking the door.

Being attacked by a pack of dogs in your dream is a bad sign. It means you could either encounter negative forces or experience a great deal of misunderstanding and negativity. These events could make your life less fulfilling or even unbearable. The horse which protected you from the dogs is a symbol of strength and power. You need to dig deep and muster enough courage to face these troubles head-on, otherwise, they could take away your sense of security and comfort.

A horse drinking water

A horse was drinking water from my both hands together... Clearwater.

This vision is highly auspicious for current and future business endeavors. A horse that drinks water from your hands represents the efficient and stable set-up of your work environment, a place, and a system that lends itself well to growth and prosperity both for you and the company or people working with you. Noticing that the water was particularly clear predicts being able to achieve your work-related goals by taking advantage of this situation.

A horse eating people

A horse at a rodeo was chasing a man, later saw same horse on the news. The horse had consumed two human brothers. My mom turned off the TV and said something that indicated her disgust of the matter and questioned why the TV was on and we were watching it. Then I woke up.

A violent, murderous horse is an ominous symbol to perceive in a dream. It represents the possibility of being in a terrible accident while commuting or traveling, especially for work or school. In your case, you first saw the horse chasing a man at a rodeo, but did not learn of its growing appetite until later in the vision. This could mean that you would be able to avoid this grievous misfortune by taking an alternate route than you usually do or were planning to do.

A white horse inside the house

This was actually dreamt by my grandmother who is nearly 70 years old. A few days back she saw in her dream that a white large horse is roaming around inside her house. She was trying really hard to get it out of her house but she was unable to do so. The horse, however, went away after some time. She also dreamt of her late mother. My grandma was asking for help, but she wasn't even replying. After some time she (her mother) asked her what happened. When she explained, she didn't show much interest to it. Here I would like to mention that my grandma is quite pious.

White horses in dreams can be interpreted as symbols of innocence, courtship, wealth, even chastity. In the case of your grandmother's dream, finding the white horse roaming inside her house reveals her possible preoccupation with issues of morality and decency. There may have been temptations or opportunities to misbehave, yet her upbringing and values may be preventing her from doing something questionable. On the other hand, her deeply ingrained values may also be preventing her from accepting or opening her mind to modern beliefs and perspectives. She could be leaning heavily on her mother's teachings and old-fashioned behavior to make sense of the world, yet those are no longer helping her understand the status quo, especially the younger generation.

Two horses standing on a rock

I saw two horses, standing on an elevated rock in front of me. They are both calm, looking at me innocently like could feel my feelings. They are both just a few feet above me. One of them is a white horse and the second is a dark brown horse with a slight reddish shade. I just swayed my hand towards them and suddenly they were both in reins held by me. Even in reins they did not struggle to get away from me, instead they both jumped down from the rock by themselves and stood on my either side.

First of all, the elevated rock is a symbol of your dream of achieving a stable future for yourself and your loved ones. The brown horse represents the brilliant idea that would propel you closer to your dreams. Perhaps an innovative strategy or a unique business venture would soon be funded that may become a lucrative source of income. On the other hand, the white horse poses a problem to your endeavors. Someone could file a complaint against you or oppose your moves towards implementing your plans. Achieving your goals is not without challenges but, as illustrated in your dream, you hold the reins of your life and it is within your power to steer your life in the direction you want it to go.

Chased by horses underwater

Swimming underwater and being chased and attacked by horses.

Dreaming of swimming underwater reveals your inability to control your emotions. You may become overwhelmed by your feelings and urges so that you become irrational in the process. Similarly, the horses attacking you in this dream are symbolic of primal instincts and behavior which means that you are not thinking clearly. Your tendency towards thoughtless and reckless behavior could get you into serious trouble in the waking world.

Pulling a truck with dark horses

I am hooking up an old farm tractor to pull a truck. Then I hook up the large farm truck to a team of horses, so that the horses can pull the truck over a 90-mile trip. Horses are dark in color, but with very nice-looking leather harnesses, etc. on them. All works well. But it is a reoccurring dream.

Trucks in dreams generally refer to problems and responsibilities. Their large and unwieldy qualities represent the difficulty of the challenges you may be dealing with. Meanwhile, horses symbolize strength and endurance. Perhaps you are entering a difficult time at work or even at home. Fortunately, you are motivated and focused enough to see this problem through to the end. Your will and perseverance would allow you to overcome this rough patch. This dream may manifest every time you are going through difficulties. Maybe it is your mind's way of mentally preparing you for the challenges ahead.

Chased to be killed by horses

I'm being chased by a dark horse and the horse is trying to kill me. A few months ago, I was being chased by a pale dusty cream-colored horse, and it was trying to kill me. I am female.

The horses in your dream could symbolize a sort of primal, instinctive behavior inherent to animals which could be clouding your judgment and may therefore be a sign that you are not thinking clearly while making major decisions. You could be prone to reckless behavior that could be detrimental not only to yourself, but also those you are close to you, eventually getting you into serious trouble in the waking world. This dream could be a call for you to fight your irrationality and try to think clearly about the issues affecting you or your loved ones.

A horse head through the window

A horse walked up to my open window and stuck its head way inside to check me out as if to say hello.

Horses are usually a symbol of energy and sexual prowess, so a horse walking up to your open window could mean that there is someone in your waking life who has such characteristics and who is interested in making contact with you. This could be a co-worker, a friend, even a stranger, but certainly someone whom you have noticed before and who has inspired such feelings or desires within you. The notion that the window was open could mean you could be already available for his or her advances.

A white horse, president and a lightning

I m a female aged 24. I dreamed about a white horse pulling a white cart. I will have dreams being with the president and there will be a lightning flash.

Envisioning a white horse pulling a white cart may predict entering into a highly advantageous marriage. Young women on occasion see white horses before finding good spouses, and the addition of a cart could also suggest the groom would be of a high social standing, fabulously rich or both. The lightning strike, however, could mean your happiness would not last long if you are not careful. While it is nice to have a financially stable and high-ranking partner, do not forget to make sure you actually like him. A marriage to someone slightly less affluent may be more successful in the end if your personalities mesh together better.

A man teaching horses to pray

A man was with several horses by a white wooden fence teaching them to pray. One horse was on his hind legs praying. I am a female.

The horses in your dream represent primitive urges and sexual desire. So, seeing a man teaching the horses to pray reveals your efforts at suppressing your urges. For some reason, you feel ashamed about some of your compulsions and yearnings. Perhaps the white fence is the reason for your shame because it represents barriers and confinement. Religious beliefs, strict values are just some of the possible interpretations of the white fence and the sources of your guilt. You have to find out whether what you want is actually bad or perhaps it just goes against your faith or values.

Horses that appear to be ghosts

It’s dark and at the back of my house there’s a field. I see two white horses grazing and staring at me, but I feel scared. I feel like they are not real, but ghosts?

You are right to feel uneasy about this vision, as the symbolism in it suggests you are about to get into a tricky situation. In particular, the darkness you mention at the beginning of the vision has two interpretations, both of which seem appropriate here. First, it means something would not turn out as expected, leading to conflict or misunderstanding. Second, it suggests hurt feelings and disappointment. The two white horses grazing in the field suggest the other person in the conflict would feel like their honor or character has been attacked, even if that was not your intention. If you desire to be on good terms with this individual again, you should tread lightly in this situation to avoid making things worse.

Riding a brown horse

Riding a strong animal like a brown horse in the dream realm signifies that you have the strength and ability to overcome challenges and navigate change in your waking life. The horse portrays your ability to control your circumstances and move forward with confidence. It also holds a spiritual message, reminding you of your inner strength and the need to stay connected to your spiritual approaches to maintain this resilience.