Dreams Related To Alligator

Killing an alligator

A dream in which you see yourself slaying or killing an alligator is symbolic of the good vibes in your life. It signifies that you would be triumphant in overcoming certain obstacles and hindrances which have been hampering your life recently. You would be able to come up with a genuine and successful resolution of the troubles and tribulations which have been standing in your way of progress.

In a dirty pond with alligators

I was in a pond on some sort of a motorized surfboard with water all over me. The pond was dirty and I knew it and I was trying to get to land. I could sense alligators were around me though I could never see one. I knew the alligators were close and I knew the water was getting all in me and could make me sick. At the last minute I felt a gator near me and I dodged in the water. I could see land near and could almost make it.

A dirty pond represents an unstable mind or turbulent emotions. Meanwhile, the alligators in the pond symbolize enemies or insincere friends who may betray you to advance their selfish interests. In trying to dodge their attacks or thwart their malicious plans, you could end up stressed and woefully disappointed in your own judgment. So falling into the pond at the end of your dream vision could mean that you could be facing an emotionally-charged period in your life. You may wallow in self-doubt or become a suspicious and a distrustful version of yourself which may not necessarily be the right option for you. As such, trying to reach land refers to your determination not to lose yourself after being betrayed.

Someone cooking alligators

Dream meaning of seeing two very small alligators, someone was cooking them. They were around 4-5 inches long, being cooked. I also dreamed of houses being built in unsafe, tide coming in part of beach. Beautiful, new homes, built where water would be.

Cooking an alligator may refer to getting rid of bad habits or darker personality traits. Seeing someone else cook them, therefore, could mean you see others improving their lives and desire to do the same, or it suggests that someone in your life is trying to get you to give up something that is not adding value to your life. In either case, the beautiful houses built on unstable ground reflect your hesitations regarding stepping into this new life. Everything would be different from before, as giving up some habits may require you to change where you live or who you interact with. Whether or not you can overcome these concerns and become who you are meant to be, however, are completely up to you.

Dreaming of alligators or crocodiles meaning

Seeing an alligator

A dream in which you find yourself looking at an alligator or staggering upon one symbolizes that you have a very powerful adversary. Additionally, this dream could signify the presence of a veiled threat or power which might at some point cause you to become a casualty of a calamitous event. This occurrence might also cause a drastic alteration in your life.

An alligator biting a knee

An alligator bit my knee and wouldn't let go and someone in the dream had a child with them and brought it to the pool I was in, that was pure blood and once the alligator saw the baby, it took its jaws off my knee and after a while it felt bad for what it did but I was still afraid of it.

The alligator that attacks you in this dream can be interpreted as a sign of upcoming obstacles or difficulties you are about to face. Because it latched onto your knee, it may mean that you would be held back by these troubles, unable to move forward until things are resolved. The bloody pool of water further reveals a need to find salvation, so it is possible this negative situation has been caused by your own poor behavior or lack of judgement. The baby that the alligator later attacked represents someone else taking the fall for your mistakes, which makes sense considering that you felt bad despite your fear. Perhaps this dream is a warning to take responsibility for your own actions rather than forcing others to suffer the outcomes of something you did.

Alligator swimming

If you dream of alligator swimming towards you or trying to sneak up on you while it's in a body of water, then it could be a warning that you may have some unfavorable circumstances coming your way or something unpleasant is about to affect a person who is close or important to you.

An alligator on top of a building

I saw my lover, I think she's my twin flame. She was playing with an alligator on the top of a high building. The alligator tried to attack me and I was afraid. Then she told me what to do to escape the animal and when I did what she told me to do the alligator ran away.

An alligator is a symbol of an enemy. In that sense, you lover's playful treatment of the alligator may be a projection of your admiration for her. Specifically, you may view her as someone who has a strong character and an uncanny ability to outwit her adversaries. In that sense, you may be looking to her for advice on how to deal with an enemy. Alternatively, the way to neutralize your foe may be by knowing your self-worth and your true value, as symbolized by your lover's advice in the dream. The building means that the enemy you have in mind may be a colleague or a competitor trying to take opportunities away from you.

Alligator in the water

If you have had a dream about an alligator in the water it is symbolic of your ambiguous and uncertain personality. This is the persona which you exude to the outside world in order to succeed. Additionally, this dream could indicate that you have an adaptable and flexible nature which allows you to deal with whatever circumstances life throws at you with relative ease.

Baby alligator

The baby alligator dream meaning is a unique and interesting symbol to perceive while asleep. It refers to having an enemy or competitor who is inept. For instance, they may try to make you look bad but end up embarrassing themselves instead. While their interference may be annoying, it would be, for the most part, completely harmless.

Alligator eating someone

Witnessing an alligator eat someone means a person you love will fall victim to a powerful enemy. A politician or a wealthy individual may frame your friend or family member so they can avoid getting punished. This dreamscape scenario also portends possible problems arising from a confrontation with an influential person. A simple online altercation could rouse this person's fan base into harassing you or someone you know.

Alligators in your house

Envisioning alligators in your house in the dream realm can be a distressing and confusing experience, but it also reveals important insights about your inner world. Alligators and crocodiles are often associated with strength and power, but they can also be seen as a sign of danger or a warning to be careful of hidden threats in your environment. Moreover, these visions also represent hidden intuitions or emotions that you have not yet fully acknowledged or understood and these instincts or feelings are impacting your sense of security and comfort within your own home. In this sense, the dream is a message for the dreamer to be more cautious and protective of their house and their personal space.

Fighting an alligator

Because alligators are normally symbolic of powerful adversaries or competitors, dreaming about fighting an alligator represents the power struggle you could go through with someone who is on the same path as you in reality. For instance, you could get into a competition with someone you work with or may be fighting other students for the top grade in your class. The outcome of the fight may predict the outcome of your struggle. If you beat the alligator in your dream, you are more likely to find success in reality as well.

Being attacked by an alligator

I had a dream that an alligator attacked me and was eating my hands while my mother stood by helpless.

An alligator which attacks you in this dream can be interpreted as a sign of upcoming obstacles or difficulties you are about to face. The symbolic representation of your mauled hands indicates there is little or nothing you can do to avoid these troubles, meaning having to deal with the situation as best as you can when you come to it. Your mother, in this case, represents the people in your life who care for you and, while they hate to see you struggle, can do little but be mere observers of your efforts to do your best to reach solid ground again.

An alligator and someone trying to steal car

I dreamed it was dark, I know there was an alligator that tried to get me but missed, and swished his tail around trying to get me but missed. Then later I dreamed I was somewhere I haven't been before, like a city. As I was sleeping, I heard a car start up. It was my car in the garage. We opened the door and I saw the passenger, a young clean cut boy, they stole my car. I dialed 911 and told them. I could see street names, lots of sidewalks, city-like. My husband was with me. The car is 17 yrs old.

The alligator in your dream symbolizes a powerful enemy. This malicious individual may be flying under the radar but waiting to strike at a moment's notice. In this dream, your subconscious is alerting you to this threat. Meanwhile, the unfamiliar city reveals a feeling of being disconnected from your work or your community. The streets and sidewalks, in this scenario, mean you are outside of your comfort zone. Perhaps there is a generation gap at play as well, especially since the car was stolen by a young individual. It is possible that there are misunderstandings in dealing with people younger than you which could fuel a sense of resentment whenever disagreements happen. There is an opportunity to work together and use each other's strengths in a productive way instead of focusing on the differences. However, the ego must be set aside for all parties involved in order to become allies.

Alligator sneaking up on you

Dreaming about an alligator sneaking up behind you or unexpectedly encountering one and getting startled by its presence portends a period of hardships and difficulties for you. It could signify the hindrances or obstacles in your path and a phase when things might not work in your favor. These dilemmas and predicaments might have a negative impact on your life or someone who is close to you.

Shooting an alligator

I had a dream that I saw a crocodile or alligator in a pool it looked like I was in Haiti at my aunt's house. The alligator was playful having fun waving at us, but I was scared telling my aunt to look at it. Then my little cousin went by the pool and the alligator almost touched him. We yelled at him saying "Stay back!" and he got scared. My aunt went and got a gun, she was telling me to put the bullets in the gun, but I didn't know how to. I was shaking. Then the alligator got out of the pool trying to come toward us, we were scared, then we saw cops going toward the alligator and my aunt said "Go hide the gun".

Both crocodiles and alligators point to having an adversary in your life. They may be a two-faced person who pretends to be your friend or someone who has been lurking in the shadows biding their time. This person is probably aiming to wreak havoc on your life, either by destroying your plans, creating obstacles to your success, or spreading malicious gossip to encourage others not to help you when you need it. This is further illustrated in the image of the gun, which points to alarm at a threat looming on the horizon. Feeling scared in this dream is a natural response to dealing with unknown people who wish to do you harm. However, the image of the alligator in water indicates having flexible approaches to deal with difficult situations. This is also shown in both the cops that come to your aunt's house, which represent physical strength, and possession of the gun, which means empowerment and confidence in handling attacks against you. This dream vision shows that when you subconsciously anticipate and fear someone to act against you, you possess all the necessary qualities to meet the challenge and come out on top.

Seeing others with an alligator

A dream in which you see other people accompanied by an alligator or being with one could symbolize the troubles and tribulations in the life of these individuals. These obstacles would greatly hamper the life direction for these folks, however if you see one of these people killing the alligator, it could mean that the difficulties for them might be lessened to quite an extent.

Fishing and catching an alligator

I went fishing in a river. There I caught one alligator.

To dream of fishing in a river means you are trying to deal with your personal issues. As such, catching an alligator refers to uncovering your dark side. You may find yourself confronting the more unsavory aspects of your character in an attempt to resolve your issues and become a better individual. It may be a painful process to acknowledge your insecurities, weaknesses and all the ugly parts in order to ultimately be more self-aware. But this renewed self-confidence would then allow you to work on self-improvement, for your own growth.

Alligator sneaking upon someone

Seeing an alligator sneaking up on someone, for example your friend or a family member, signifies a threat that could be lurking in your household or your social circle. This threat is oftentimes a person with disingenuous motives. Using charm and manipulative tactics, someone close to you could fall prey to their selfish plans. Alternatively, this dream symbol could also be a warning about upcoming hardships that could catch you unprepared and ill-equipped to handle.

Alligators and snakes

Seen together, alligators and snakes symbolize a fear of fighting over differences in opinion or points of view. In the dream realm, the differences between these two animals seems quite large and represent your internal struggle between wanting to please your friends and follow your heart. Some may prefer a cosmopolitan lifestyle while others want the rural experience. Some want to make decisions based on faith and spirituality while others want the advice of scientific experts. Neither of these extremes is inherently wrong, although the best option is usually somewhere in the middle. As such, this symbol is seen when you feel conflicted but know there is a better solution in your heart of hearts.

Niece sleeping with an alligator

I dreamt an alligator cozies up to my 4-yr old niece and sleeps with her on the couch.

This dream vision contains two opposing symbols which tend to neutralize each other in their overall meaning. The image of an alligator in a dream portends potential obstacles or issues looming ahead for the members of your family or people who matter in your life, perhaps the family of your niece. At the same time, the imagery of a sleeping child predicts that either these issues would be minor or insignificant, or that they can be overcome in a relatively short period of time with no impact on their lives.

An alligator, numbers and an old coworker

Dreamed I saw a small alligator, it grazed my fingers, not really biting, didn't hurt. I saw numbers in my dream, remember seeing number 31 and number 34, seems they were together. I also saw my old coworker in the dream with the numbers somehow.

The small alligator nipping at your fingers in this vision may be an unconscious prediction of future troubles or difficulties, possibly at work or while volunteering. Jungian philosophy suggests that the lack of pain means your situation would not be dire, rather it would be easy to overcome or even ignore the problems if you wanted. The numbers you saw, 31 and 34, specifically point toward something at workplace, which is reinforced by the presence of your old co-worker in the vision. The number 31 may represent a meeting that would lead to an interesting and possibly lucrative opportunity for you. However, the number 34 may reveal your efforts would be in vain. How you respond to your difficulties may impact the outcomes of the chances you are given, so it would be wise to be on your A game and try your best to deal with anything that comes your way.

Alligators in clean blue water

The sight of an alligator or crocodile in water usually comes with spiritual meaning that might serve as a life compass. First, the vision of the clear water reflects the beginning of your journey to better understand yourself. This dream is your subconscious way of letting you connect with your emotions more. However, the image of the alligator indicates some danger that you might encounter along the way. Having faith in yourself and your beliefs will help you overcome this predicament.

Alligators biting you

Seeing alligators biting you in your sleep can be a terrifying experience, but it can also offer important insights into your subconscious fears and anxieties. If the alligators are chasing you, it represents trouble in your waking life that is causing you a great deal of stress or worry, also the situation is inducing physical or emotional pain, that is affecting your brain and your ability to think clearly. On a spiritual level, you need to look within yourself for the strength and power to overcome your fears and challenges. By confronting the things that are causing you anxiety, you may be able to gain a greater understanding of your own spiritual nature and find new ways to please your higher self.