Meaning of dreams about Satan
DreamPath Analysis Summary
The presence of other individuals or objects in the dream world indicates outside forces that have a significant influence on your life at the moment. Unlike dream symbols which focus on your body or your feelings, these external symbolic imageries mean you are fixating on something that may be out of your control or a peripheral issue that will eventually have a significant impact on your life. A preoccupation with the spiritual while dreaming can be seen by both believers and non-believers alike. Most dreams involving aspects of the spirit realm, be it heaven and hell, angels, or something else, point toward needing to prepare yourself mentally or physically for something to come. Perhaps you need fortitude to handle a challenging task or patience to deal with something troublesome in reality. The exact form your dream took could lead to a deeper understanding of your mental state or what you really seek. For instance, the image of the fallen angel Lucifer, or Satan as he is more commonly called, suggests you may embarrass yourself, your family or your company in the near future. You would likely cause this stain to your reputation and the reputations of those around you by participating in something illegal or at least highly questionable.