Meaning of dreams about Moon

DreamPath Analysis Summary
The presence of other individuals or objects in the dream world indicates outside forces that have a significant influence on your life at the moment. Unlike dream symbols which focus on your body or your feelings, these external symbolic imageries mean you are fixating on something that may be out of your control or a peripheral issue that will eventually have a significant impact on your life. The presence of extraterrestrials or being in space in dreams could be an indication of your isolation or rejection in reality. This vision directly mirrors the negativities around you and your desire to reach out to people and fit in the crowd. Conversely, this dream suggests being oblivious of your own potential and personality. There might be some side of you that you have not discovered yet - may it be a skill or a trait. Seeing an alien in your dream reflects your yearning to know yourself better. The Moon in particular is a rather esoteric symbol that can have multiple interpretations depending on its state or your relation to it in the dream. As a subset of extraterrestrial bodies, however, it represents both meeting new people and learning new things about those you already know. These revelations may have various implications or connotations.