Meaning of dreams about Cooked meat

DreamPath Analysis Summary
The presence of other individuals or objects in the dream world indicates outside forces that have a significant influence on your life at the moment. Unlike dream symbols which focus on your body or your feelings, these external symbolic imageries mean you are fixating on something that may be out of your control or a peripheral issue that will eventually have a significant impact on your life. Foodstuffs, in the dreams, are usually thought to be representative of the quality of our financial situation or perhaps a reflection of what our situation could be under varying circumstances. As such, the type of food and its condition may reveal something that you need to do, something that you need to stop doing, or something that is affecting your financial situation in one way or another. Red meat, like beef, suggests that your finances may somehow be linked to your sexuality. While the obvious interpretation suggests modeling or sex work, it is actually a more complicated symbol than that. Appearance plays a large role in success and confidence. Therefore, depending on the condition or purpose of the meat, it's possible that your outside looks are having some kind of effect on your income. 5/18 S With this in mind, seeing meat that has already been prepared or cooked means that you would have something to celebrate. Perhaps your attempts to look put-together have convinced your superiors that you are ready to take on more responsibilities. Alternatively, the work event itself may be something you need to dress up for. In either case, you are sure to have fun and benefit from the time spent networking with colleagues.