Meaning of dreams about Being female for males
DreamPath Analysis Summary
A dream centering around you, your body or thoughts and feelings that are important to you reveals the inner workings of your unconscious mind. This focus on the self could have positive or negative connotations depending on your emotions in the vision and the other symbols you perceived. Dreaming about yourself also denotes a certain amount of retrospection about past events or contemplation of future ones. Dreams that center around your identity, be it your religion, sexuality or something else, shed light on how your mind is processing different events and interactions that have taken place in wake life recently or in a distant past. These may be things you have witnessed first hand or emotions you have felt while watching or dealing with other people. In particular, men who perceive themselves as being female or more feminine in dress, appearance or action can be experiencing a bout of instability or insecurity. You may feel that you are on edge and possibly about to snap due to the things that are happening around you. You may even be having a mid-life crisis or experiencing some other major upheaval, leading to these concerns taking over your subconscious mind.