Dreams Related To Catfish

A catfish and a baby

First, the dream started with me seeing a catfish that was alive and well outside its natural habitat. Then my dream jumped to me holding a baby I have never seen before.

The catfish at the beginning of your vision represents your wealth and prosperity. Just as the fish can survive and thrive outside of water, so does this dream tell of your ability to adapt and rise up to the challenges occasionally presented to you. However, not everyone shares these blessings, as an unfamiliar baby in your arms could represent the difficulties others are going through. While you should be happy with your own prosperity and place in life, do not forget to share your love and kindness with others who need your support and advice.

Being eaten by a catfish

A catfish was attached to my waist and was trying to eat me. I have had this same dream twice.

Catfish can represent wealth or deception in a dream, sometimes both, while your waist alludes to obsession with appearances. You could be excessively focused on superficial things and ambitions. This facade of success and perfection may end up consuming your life and turning you into a shallow and greedy version of yourself. It is a recurring dream perhaps due to your increasing preoccupation with projecting this idealized version of who you are onto others, sometimes to your detriment.