Dreams Related To pregnancy

Being pregnant

Dreams about pregnancy often carry symbolic meanings that should not be taken literally. Being pregnant in a dream can symbolize new beginnings, creativity, or the development of new ideas or projects in your waking life. It may not necessarily be related to your prospective husband or the physical appearance of your future children. Instead of focusing on negative interpretations, consider exploring the emotions and situations in your life that the dream may be reflecting. Remember, dreams are complex and can be influenced by various factors, so it's best not to jump to conclusions based solely on dream imagery.

Your mother pregnant

Dreaming of your mother being pregnant is a dire warning against a dangerous or desperate situation. It can mean that your mother might fall gravely ill or might even succumb to death.

Seeing a pregnant woman

Seeing a pregnant woman in your dream symbolizes being faced with unhappiness or unhappy periods. There may be some troubles or unfortunate events that could interfere with your daily life or with your work.

Becoming pregnant for females

Dreaming of becoming pregnant if you are a female symbolizes meeting someone new whom you will start a meaningful relationship with. This relationship will be much better than the ones you've had in the past. It can also refer to having a great start to a new relationship at this moment in your life.

Complicated pregnancy

Having a complicated pregnancy in your dream, such as having a premature delivery or a birth defect, indicates about your tendency towards negativity. You are inclined to thinking in negative ways and may be hounded by unhealthy thoughts. There are old issues in your life that may continue to bother you, giving you undue distress.

Pregnancy while being pregnant

Dreaming of pregnancy while being pregnant in real life can carry positive connotations, symbolizing a healthy delivery and a fast recovery after giving birth to your baby. This dream reflects your real-life experiences and anxieties, and it provides reassurance and optimism regarding the upcoming childbirth process. This one aligns with your current circumstances, emphasizing the positive aspects of your pregnancy and the promising outlook for the birth and postpartum period. It's a comforting dream that mirrors your real-life hopes and expectations.

Pregnancy for men

If you are a male and had a dream about a pregnancy-related event, such as a baby being delivered or a woman in labor, it means that you are willing to father a child with your partner or female lover.

Pregnancy with twins

Being pregnant with twins is a symbol associated with finding out something horrible or unpleasant at a time that is terribly inconvenient and embarrassing. For example, you may get some bad news while you are entertaining friends in your home or at a special event. While your internal emotions would be in turmoil, you would also feel compelled to keep a happy, calm exterior for the sake of those you are with, making your torment all the more unbearable.

A positive pregnancy test

I had a brief dream where I was holding a positive pregnancy test. No one else was around just me.

A dream in which you are holding proof that you are pregnant is an ill-omen. It points to certain fundamental issues in your current relationship that could eventually lead to a breakup. Having no one around you in the same vision also points to the fact that you can be the main cause, with your actions or personal qualities, of these circumstances taking place.

Pregnant with a boy and girl

Knowing the gender of the baby while being pregnant in a dream often means that the dreamer's plans are slowly taking shape in reality. You could be planning to implement a business idea and this dream points to a positive development in this venture. The gender may have something to do with your associations with a boy or a girl. Maybe a girl means your plans are related to feminine pursuits and vice versa. Meanwhile, if you are pregnant in reality, then this dream vision is likely a reflection of your curiosity and excitement about knowing the gender and eventually meeting your baby.

Wanting to become pregnant

Wanting to become pregnant in your dream signifies your maturity. You are undergoing a period of accelerated personal growth and you desire to try doing things that are more meaningful and worth pursuing at this stage of your life.

Becoming pregnant for males

If you are a male and had a dream of becoming pregnant, it foretells of having problems in your relationship with your current lover or someone you have a non-romantic relationship with. It can also mean that there may be undesirable circumstances that may arise brought about by your connection with this person.

Unwanted pregnancy

Right now, I am 18 and in my final year of high school. I dreamt that I felt pregnant exactly this year. I didn't understand, because my boyfriend and I had been using protection. I was so afraid, but then my boyfriend whom I love so much became what I wanted him to become - so much more loving, caring and supportive... What does this mean?

In the context of the dream you are describing, the feeling you had about becoming pregnant could signify a great change or shift occurring within the relationship with your boyfriend. It could have positive connotations, such as taking the relationship you have right now to a new level, especially with the note you provided about your final year of high school. Or, it could have some not-so-pleasant developments, perhaps due to the fact that after he became more caring and supportive, he also lost some of his freedom or personal space and may start thinking of getting some of it back to himself.

Pregnancy for virgins

If you are a virgin and had a dream of being pregnant, it is a warning that you will be faced with disgrace. Some unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances may arise in the future which could lead to this.

A possessed woman unhappy about pregnancy

I had a dream that I was six months pregnant and a possessed lady would run at my stomach with a torch screaming and acting afraid of my baby inside of me.

When you dream about being pregnant, it often means that you are experiencing a difficult period of time with your prospective husband or current lover. The woman acting afraid of the baby inside you could represent the future of your relationship with said individual. More specifically, the woman may refer to the hardship and pain you would go though, suggesting that you should really consider whether or not you want to move forward with this relationship.

Baby dying during pregnancy

A dying baby in the dream world is an ill omen. To witness a baby dying during delivery or birth predicts possible failure. The birth itself symbolizes hope and new beginnings, so to have a baby pass away during the process does not bode well for your plans. This REM sleep vision cautions you from taking too many risks or making decisions without due diligence. At the very least, you may lose money from some of your investments. At worst, your savings could get depleted on an idea which seemed brilliant at first only to end badly for all involved.

Pregnancy gone wrong

Had a dream that I was pregnant and my baby stopped moving inside me?

Dreaming about being pregnant is often associated with meeting new people and, in particular, being introduced to someone you find attractive. The relationship that blossoms are likely to start much better than others you have experienced in the past, giving you butterflies and filling you with joy. However, not being able to feel the baby moving after a while might indicate things suddenly turning sour, though the cause or reason is unclear. There may be something you can do to prevent this from happening, but it is also possible you will not want to.

Deceased grandmother prophesying pregnancy

My deceased grandmother, but I'm not sure which one because I don't remember her face, hugged me from the back and put her hands on my stomach and told me I was pregnant. I didn't want anyone to know, so after she told me, I closed the door to where everyone was.

While it is unclear whether you are pregnant in real life or not, dreaming about being pregnant suggests an unhappy relationship with your boyfriend, husband, or significant other. This is also supported by the image of the closed door, which indicates several challenging or exhausting situations being present in your life. However, feeling the embrace of your departed grandmother is a sign that you always have a safe place to return to, whether that is your birth home, a friend's apartment, or a special place that only you know.

Baby not wanting to come out during pregnancy

I am pregnant in real life, 3-4 months, I felt the baby moving for the first time and I reached down to feel it and both its hands were right underneath the surface of my skin as if it were upside down in me reaching up. My water broke and it held onto my fingers like it didn't want to come out. I was nervous about telling family and the father to feel its hands. I felt very connected to it for the first time. This baby is coming at a bad time - the father and I fight and live on a boat.

Dreams that center on the imagery of holding a small baby's hand are extremely auspicious and should be regarded as a positive symbol regarding your situation. It means that your current troubles and difficulties would be resolved successfully. In this case, it seems you would be able to find a solution to your situation that brings you happiness and peace of mind. This might mean moving to a new place, resolving an argument or settling a problem that has bothered you and your partner for some time. No matter how the issue is resolved, you would eventually be content and at ease.

Discovering own pregnancy

I dreamed I was in the shower when I noticed both of my breasts were leaking milk, then looked down at my belly and noticed that I was pregnant. A night before I dreamed that I felt asleep in my friend's pregnant belly and that I could feel the baby move and it made me so sentimental that I started tearing because I remembered that I had a miscarriage in my pregnancy, which is actually true. I had a miscarriage 8 months ago. Then I had a dream my sister was pregnant and gave birth. I was so happy.

The first vision, leaking breast milk and then noticing you are pregnant, suggests that your body has recovered from the physical stress it was under, possibly during the time of your miscarriage, but that your emotional state and your ability to connect with others, particularly your partner, may continue to suffer. Both your friend's pregnancy and your sister's pregnancy and birthing predict happiness and contentment in your future as time begins to heal the wounds. There may be other wonderful surprises in store as well.

Discovering pregnancy while menstruating

I went to the hospital and I was on my menstrual the doctor took an ultrasound and I was 3 months pregnant.

Visiting a hospital is often a sign of much the same when it comes to dreams, meaning you may soon find yourself sick or injured enough to be in need of some medical attention. However, the source of your pain and discomfort does not seem to be physical, as having your period is often symbolically tied with the idea of feeling stress and frustration due to a romantic relationship. While you may not be physically ailing, you probably would feel upset enough that you would want to receive care from someone you could trust. This is followed by the discovery that you were pregnant while on your period. This symbol predicts something good coming out of this complicated situation, although the timing and degree of the good fortune are unclear.

Your girlfriend's pregnancy

Dreaming of your girlfriend's pregnancy is a warning that she is hiding something from you. You are left completely unaware of this secret, and the result of this can be negative, if not devastating for you. This is especially true if you have not made any future plans to advance or improve your relationship.

Your wife's pregnancy

Dreaming of your wife's pregnancy whether it is the first pregnancy or not, means that the idea you are toying with right now is actually possible. If you work hard and put a lot of energy in it, you could actually make some profit. You might get some measurable results if you try to put your thoughts together and plan ahead.

A friend becoming aware about pregnancy

A friend who doesn't know about my pregnancy, saw a dream. She is at my place. I had labor pain or something and after that I showed her my baby girl. I rarely get in touch with this friend, she does not have a clue about my pregnancy. She also saw my father also present there. My father passed away 6 months ago and she is aware of this. NOTE: She is learning yoga and very passionate about it. I do yoga for a long time and am very good at it. This is what caused this dream as she may want to be like me. What does this dream mean?

Your friend dreaming about you giving birth is symbolic of her overlooking something important in the present, suggesting that she is brushing off an idea or a piece of information now because it seems trivial or unrelated to her current situation. However, what she is missing on now could end up being extremely relevant to her future, meaning she might want to pay more attention to her immediate surroundings and events unfolding. This is followed by her seeing your recently deceased father, a sign which points toward a happy, though unexpected announcement. If your friend pays more attention to what is going on around, she may have more clues about the nature of this upcoming surprise and be able to take advantage of the opportunities knocking on her door.

Going through pregnancy while school

Had a dream I lost my virginity to my boyfriend and it hurt so bad, I got pregnant after losing my virginity. My belly was big, I was so happy I was pregnant with my child, it was hard for me to do stuff. I realized I was pregnant when I kept getting sick, I had to pee a lot, I felt my baby's head, I was still with my boyfriend, I was at school too and walking pregnant in the hallways. I turned 18 two days after I got pregnant.

Losing your virginity in a dream is often interpreted as a negative sign, which is often attributed to concerns about losing face and earning a bad reputation. However, the happiness exhibited in the dream, after you got pregnant, reveals a more positive outcome behind this event. In a way, sexual intercourse could suggest your desire for intimacy and love. The pregnancy that occurs after the act is a validation of the positive effects of being in love. Alternatively, this vision may have just manifested due to your curiosity about the physical act of conception itself. It is a reminder from your subconscious to bear in mind the consequences of your future actions.

Unhappy with daughter's pregnancy

My daughter was 2-months pregnant and I was looking for an abortion doctor.

Dreaming that you daughter is pregnant means that she is growing up and having a mind of her own. She is starting to make her personal decisions and forging her own path in this world. However, you do not trust her ability to make decisions. This is probably why you were looking for an abortion doctor in the dream. Perhaps you are having disagreements in the waking world and you just want her to remain the obedient child that she used to be. This is not the way things work, unfortunately, and you may have to make peace with her choices even though you may not necessarily agree with them. All you can do is give advice and provide guidance, but she ultimately has the freedom to decide for herself.

Water breaking

Dreaming of water breaking, like in pregnancy, is a powerful symbol of new beginnings, growth, and transformation. According to the great evangelist Joshua, the breaking of the water and subsequent process of giving birth means a significant change in your life and can suggest the start of a new chapter. It is a fortunate event, which indicates positive results in the future. In a spiritual context, it is a release of pent-up emotions, worries, or anxieties which are distracting you. There is no need to get worried, as the good days for you are just around the corner.