Dreams Related To Doppelganger

A doppelganger of opposite sex

I step into a garden and there is a boy who looks exactly like me but in a boy form. We are then dancing to the beat of my mothers heart beat until a dark shadow from the tree pulls him away from me. I am then alone and the rows cold and the garden starts to die around me. Then a black figure walks into the gate and tries to hit me. As it strikes my face I wake up.

Seeing the mirror image of yourself in a dream is usually representative of a relationship, which is further illustrated through dancing together with it, that is holding you down or not necessarily beneficial to you. This relationship may be with someone who is unable to do much on their own or relies heavily on you, as this person is depicted as very similar to you, in looks and superficially, but who cannot actually be you, due to their lack of abilities or resources. The connection between you could be familial, professional, platonic or romantic in nature, though it is unlikely to be either someone very close to you or a mere acquaintance. Because your doppelganger is suddenly pulled away and everything becomes cold and begins to die, it likely indicates your hesitation to end your association with this person, either because you do not like to change or because you fear repercussions. This is also shown in the dark figure which comes forth to assault you, symbolizing a lack of confidence or low self-esteem in your decision-making abilities.

Evil doppelganger

Perceiving an evil doppelganger of an ex-boyfriend or old friend in a dream is often a reflection of your own misgivings about how you behaved in the relationships. Perhaps you felt your own actions were creepy or over the top, making even nice gestures seem negative in nature. It is possible that your own fear or lack of confidence was a factor in these choices, and your subconscious is bringing these ideas to you in sleep for processing. Until you are able to merge the gap between your intended actions and actual behavior, you would be unable to find a sense of peace.

Killing your father's doppelganger

Dreaming of killing your father's doppelganger signifies a complex interplay within your psyche. Your unconscious is attempting to convey a message, and your emotional response holds the key to its interpretation. Your father's doppelganger represents a facet of yourself shaped by his influence. Consider your father's dominant trait; if he is humorous, it may signify your playful side. Alternatively, the doppelganger embodies the archetypal father figure, symbolizing authority and protection. This dream prompts introspection into your own sense of authority and responsibility. Explore your emotions to decipher the message: confront unresolved paternal issues or embrace your innate authority and protective instincts to navigate life's challenges.