Dreams Related To Kitchen

A dirty kitchen

A dream in which you happen to find your own kitchen absolutely devastated, dirty, reeking of filth and all sorts of disgusting details related is a vision usually foretelling frustration, disappointment and recurrent failure to fulfill your routine duties and work. Additionally, the same dream is also a symbol of the disagreements and conflicts that jeopardize the relationship between you and someone dear to your heart, such as a lover, close relative, spouse or friend. Certain sources suggest that the dirtier the kitchen in your dream was, the greater the discord in said relationship is.

A kitchen stove

Dreaming of yourself in the process of using or cleaning the kitchen stove could be a favorable sign indicating that you would be able to successfully defuse and avoid a certain conflict that is about to develop in your waking life. However, to do so you would have to listen closely to your intuition as well as rely on your previous experience and common sense. If you are a woman, a dream in which you turn on the kitchen stove could be foretelling that in the upcoming future you would start to strongly sympathize with a new potential boyfriend or lover, even to the point of breaking up with the current one. However, know that it is very likely you would eventually be disappointed with your new alliance and realize this connection was never worth the trouble.

Additionally, a dream in which you see yourself using a kitchen stove is often interpreted as a sign foretelling that you could soon find yourself dragged into some extremely unpleasant or even dangerous situations as a result of recent self-centered and selfish attitude on your part. It is impossible to predict how detrimental these developments would be for you in the long run, thus it is highly recommended to try to set things right while it is still possible. If you are a man, a dream in which you turn on a kitchen stove could be a harbinger of approaching disagreements and quarrels with your current partner in love or spouse resulting from the other party's questionable attitude or deeds. This confrontation could even escalate into a definitive breakup if your lover fails to properly explain the real motives causing said behavior.

A hyena and lion in the kitchen

A hyena and a lion sitting in my kitchen and I take out some meat out of the fridge. Then the hyena bites me but I hit it and it runs off. Then I feed the lion and the lion was there the whole time with the hyena. Female.

The location of this vision in your kitchen could predict that you would soon find yourself in some difficult, troubling situations. You may discover inconveniences caused by others in reality. The source of your troubles may be related to the image of the hyena, a symbol commonly associated with someone who is taking advantage of you in reality, like a co-worker taking credit for your hard work or a friend who is always freeloading food and a place to stay. The presence of the lion further suggests you are under this individual's influence for one reason or another. Feeding the lion, then, may mean you are not ready to get out from under their thumb or that you do not have the means or ambition to do so yet.

A kitchen in general

A dream in which you happen to see a kitchen without any related important details, events or consequences and regardless of whether this was your own kitchen or someone else's is a vision foretelling minor nuisances and insignificant hardships in the upcoming future. However, be aware that these bothersome details could eventually sum up and result in a great amount of suffering and depression for you and the people you love, so it could be wise to prepare beforehand and think through what you could do to reinforce your current position in life.

A big pot in the kitchen

Envisioning a dream in which you see yourself cooking food with the help of a big pot as if preparing for a great celebration or a massive family meeting is often interpreted as a quite straightforward sign. It is very likely that in the upcoming future you would be surprised by an unexpected visit from your friends, relatives or colleagues that you have last seen quite a while ago. The specific purpose or occasion for this event is impossible to predict, and so is the outcome of the said visit. It could turn out to be pleasant and cheerful for you or become just one more nuisance you would have to deal with. To a great extent, this would depend on your mood at the moment of the visit, as well as the other things that would be happening in your life at that moment.

A cat in the kitchen

I was in a house, in the kitchen and a cat came up to me needing water.

Seeing a cat approaching you while needing water is an indication that someone will ask you for help. In traditional terms, water symbolizes life which means this person likely needs something to help them survive, whether it is food or money to buy essential items. The kitchen is also an important symbol in dream analysis because it refers to minor inconveniences especially in reference to nourishment. You likely know people who are starving or struggling to put food on their table and you would have to step up and help out in this time of crisis.

Scrubbing pots in the kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see yourself scrubbing pots in the kitchen, such as after a long cooking session for a massive family gathering, is often interpreted as a sign foretelling that in the upcoming future you could fall in love with a very special person. This alliance would be very likely to develop into a fulfilling and exceptionally pleasant relationship in which both of you would have a lot of space for personal and mutual growth, thus bringing out the best of your personalities. However, if in your dream you happened to drop a pot in the process of cleaning it, know that this romantic alliance could be based, to a great extent, on the other person pitying you and showing affection out of compassion rather than a genuine interest in your individuality.

A spoon in the kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see yourself using a spoon in the kitchen, usually in the process of eating something or preparing a dish, could be a sign foretelling all sorts of celebrations, fun and festivities in the upcoming future. This dream suggests that you have been subconsciously longing for such developments for a long time already and eagerly look forward to spending some quality time with your family and friends. Alternatively, if you have envisioned a dream with yourself washing some spoons by hand, be aware that this could be an indication that you are quite keen to indulge in exchanging pointless gossip and rumors behind the back of other people, thus often causing them harm and hurt even if you do not harbor this specific intention.

A teacup in the kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see, clean or drink from a teacup regardless of whether it was a cheap plastic one or piece of delicate Chinese porcelain is usually interpreted as a sign foretelling you would have some guests in the upcoming future. However, this dream contains no details as to the mood and outcome of such events, so this visit could equally be an extremely pleasant gathering or turn out to be a scandalous disaster. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, just in case. Also, if you happened to break the teacup in your dream, know that this is an extremely auspicious sign of good fortune and outstanding success resulting from your recent deeds or past efforts.

A kitchen microwave

If you happen to see a dream in which you use or clean a microwave, or even if you just see it standing on the kitchen shelf and for whatever reason recall this detail in the morning, it is a symbol foretelling favorable events, lucky coincidences and delightful surprises in the upcoming future. A similar dream in which you buy a brand new microwave in the appliance store is usually interpreted as a sign of approaching wealth and all sorts of material benefits for your household. On the contrary, if the microwave in your dream went broken and you were unable to use it, be aware that you could experience bothersome difficulties and unpleasant trials in the nearest future.

If you are a young woman and happen to see a dream in which you find yourself unable to warm up or defrost some food using your kitchen microwave due to some malfunction of the appliance, it is usually considered to be a sign foretelling your current romantic relationship or love affair is not likely to grow into something serious, important or durable. Although this outcome could be the result of a multitude of minor factors, it is also possible you would soon reveal some unexpected and utterly unpleasant facts about your current partner in love and subsequently find yourself unable to get over the disappointment.

Kitchen china

A dream in which you happen to appreciate or interact in any other way with kitchen China regardless of whether it was a single teacup or a majestic set of fine porcelain tableware is usually considered to be a symbol of the harmonious vibe and genuine happiness reigning in your household. This idyllic vision would not be spoiled even by the imagery of yourself shattering a piece of this China set or finding a fragment of the broken tableware somewhere in the kitchen, as such a development also foretells good fortune and pleasant events that would happen in your waking life in the upcoming future.

A kitchen of your neighbor

A dream in which you envision yourself spending time in the kitchen of your neighbor, regardless of whether you were actually cooking or not, is traditionally considered to be a symbol of massive rumors currently ravaging behind your back. Although this gossip could be absolutely unfounded or even borderline ridiculous, it is still recommended to be extremely careful and listen attentively to everything that would be happening around you in the nearest weeks to promptly take action should the situation require it. Be prepared to fight for your dignity and status, as the said rumors could have been spread intentionally to shake your position in life.

A serving dish in the kitchen

A serving dish, in general, is interpreted as a dream detail symbolizing revelation and retrieval, usually concerning a piece of crucial information or knowledge that has been previously inaccessible or concealed from you. The same symbol could be foretelling a reunion with a valuable object or close person that you have been separated from. A dream in which you happen to see yourself licking bits of food or sauce from a serving dish after dinner or a cheerful celebration is another auspicious vision indicating upcoming victories and major achievements either in your personal projects, private business or working aspirations.

Kitchen on fire

Dreaming of a kitchen on fire, such as when you accidentally set it ablaze while cooking or when you make a kitchen appliance suddenly combust due to a short-circuit, is usually interpreted as a quite unfavorable sign. It foretells upcoming hardships and losses in your life, maybe even with extreme outcomes that could be lethal either for you or a person whom you hold dear. Alternatively, if the kitchen fire in your dream was not your fault and you have clearly seen who had caused it, the interpretation could be foretelling the future of this person instead of your own, even though the meaning remains the same.

A clean and tidy kitchen

Dreaming of your own kitchen being in an immaculate clean state, devoid of any dirt or grease whatsoever, shining in blissful excellence is a vision foretelling outstanding victories and success in your working aspirations and personal projects. All the time and efforts you had previously invested in making these dreams come true are finally bound to pay off and bring you wealth, acknowledgment and respect. However, be aware that it is impossible to tell how durable and consistent these rewards would be, so it is recommended to do your best and strengthen up your position for the future.

A kitchen blender

A dream in which a kitchen blender strikes you as an important detail, regardless of whether you have actually used it throughout the vision, is traditionally considered to be an unfavorable symbol of quarrels, misunderstandings and all sorts of conflicts inside your household both presently and in the upcoming future. Additionally, if the kitchen blender in your dream was out of order and thus you were unable to use it, know that the described dream could be indicating that you would be able to find the best solution to the said disagreements and graciously prevent any serious consequences in the long run.

A kettle in the kitchen

The cozy symbol of seeing or using a kettle in the kitchen, such as for boiling water to make coffee for breakfast or to treat your guests with a cup of delicious tea could be foretelling an approaching celebration, party or any other kind of cheerful meetup of family and friends. This gathering could happen at your own place, someone else's home or on a neutral territory like a local restaurant. Regardless of the little details, the approaching event would most likely leave a lot of bright memories that all the participants would happily recall even years later.

A wine glass in the kitchen

Dreams containing imagery of yourself seeing or using a wine glass are generally interpreted in a similar way as dreams featuring chalices. Both of the symbols foretell good fortune, lucky developments, prosperity and strong health but a wine glass is, perhaps, more closely related to the household and family aspects of your waking life while a chalice encompasses other parts of your existence as well. Additionally, dreams featuring wine glasses are often believed to be a sign of future pregnancy and subsequent parenting.

A bottle in the kitchen

Envisioning a bottle in the kitchen could have drastically different meanings depending on the additional details related. For example, seeing or using an empty bottle in the kitchen symbolizes an approaching period of hardships and trials with unpredictable long-term effects on your life. However, if the bottle in your dream was filled with either wine or water, know that this is considered to be a sign of approaching success that would involve not only you but also the people you love and hold dear. Additionally, a dream in which you see yourself opening a bottle is a sign of prosperity and all kinds of material benefits coming your way while drinking something straight out of a bottle means you could be about to receive an exciting and utterly pleasant surprise. On the other hand, a dream in which you see yourself breaking a bottle in the kitchen is most likely pointing at full-blown confrontations, quarrels and even physical fights. Last but not least, if the bottle in your dream had an unusual or strange shape, be aware that it symbolizes your peculiar sexual desires and attractions, possibly even some fetishes you could be subconsciously harboring deep inside.

A kitchen grinder

A dream in which you happen to see yourself using a kitchen grinder, for example, to mince meat or fish in order to prepare a certain recipe, is often interpreted as an indication that you could be the lucky owner of an exceptionally resolved and strong-willed personality that allows you to remove all of the roadblocks that arise in your life path. Also, you seem to have a noble soul and positive attitude in life that helps you to always look at the bright side of things regardless of how challenging they may seem to be at first glance.

Table plates in the kitchen

Regardless of their specific color, shape or quality table plates, in general, are interpreted as a sign of upcoming good news and outstanding success in working or business relationships. However, the specific meaning of this symbol could be extremely different depending on the additional details. For example, a dream in which you see table plates being shattered either by yourself or by someone else could be foretelling petty quarrels and minor confrontations between you and your romantic partner, such as your lover or spouse. Dreaming of yourself drying table plates with a kitchen towel could be indicating that in the upcoming future you would finally reach a state of peace and inner balance after an unpleasant period of discord and fiery disagreements in your own household.

Cooking in the kitchen

Dreaming of yourself cooking food in a kitchen regardless of whether this is your own kitchen or, for example, in a restaurant or coffeehouse you work in could be a vision reflecting the current state of affairs in your life. Chances are, your routine can be described as highly disorganized and your general lifestyle as stressful and unstable. However, if your waking life is the exact opposite of the described image, being calm and harmonious, the said dream could be foretelling some new duties and responsibilities coming your way. Most likely, you would consider them as bothersome perturbations in the otherwise steady flow of your life and struggle to find the unexpected energy needed to straighten everything back into a neat system.

A pitcher in the kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see, fill, clean or interact in any other way with a pitcher in the kitchen is often interpreted as a quite unfavorable sign in general as it could be foretelling an approaching period of woe and distress in your life. More specifically, if you have envisioned yourself lifting a pitcher by hand, know that this symbol could be pointing at your naivety and baseless trust in people who could often use this to their own advantage. Alternatively, a dream in which you hand a pitcher to someone is traditionally considered a harbinger of future separation between you and this person, possibly even a breakup if the two of you are currently engaged in some sort of romantic alliance.

A shot glass in the kitchen

Dreaming of yourself interacting with a shot glass in the kitchen, such as when offering a toast during a party or using it to mix a drink either for yourself or your friend is a vision foretelling that your upcoming future would be generously filled with amusement, bliss, all sorts of cheerful activities and memorable events. Drinking straight out of a shot glass could be an indication that you are currently harboring a strong interest or sympathy towards someone in your life, probably in an openly romantic or even sexual way. If you happened to break a shot glass or see it already shattered somewhere in the kitchen, be aware that this could be an ominous sign foretelling the demise of a certain female individual that you know very well in your waking life or maybe even hold dear to your heart.

Flooded kitchen

Dreams featuring a flooded kitchen generally symbolize an impending intrusion into your sanctuary or safe space. This intrusion could encompass various aspects of your life, such as your social circles or personal affairs. Moreover, the dream hints at the potential risk to something valuable that belongs to you. It is crucial to differentiate between fear and concern in this situation. While concern can prompt protective actions, excessive fear may hinder you. The dream advises you not to succumb to fear. Instead, take proactive steps to safeguard the precious elements of your life and fortify your safe zones against potential disruptions or threats.

Spending time in the kitchen

If you happen to see a dream in which you spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, cleaning the room, renovating it or performing any kind of other activity either on your own or with someone to keep you company, know that this vision could be a symbol of your current state of affairs and general vibe in your household. Most likely, it is the perfect example of a calm, harmonious and loving environment, beneficial for each and every member of your family and highly inspiring for the people who know you.

A new kitchen for females

If you happen to be a woman, be aware that envisioning a dream featuring an all-new and beautifully furnished kitchen is often considered to be a sign foretelling future marriage. After seeing this dream, it is quite possible that you would either get married for the first time in your life or would divorce your current spouse to get married to another person. In any case, this dream vision contains no hints regarding the happiness of this upcoming alliance.

A glass in the kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see or use a glass in the kitchen can be interpreted in many different ways depending on the additional details present in the vision. For example, seeing a glass of water in the kitchen is a reflection of your strong health and genuine devotion to leading a well-balanced and fit life. On the other hand, a glass of wine could be a friendly recommendation to better control your selfish impulses and start focusing more on the wellness of other people, generously helping them achieve their goals. In general, drinking any sort of liquid from a glass is usually interpreted as a sign that you have devoted friends and passionate allies in your life, always ready to aid you in times of need. Last but not least, a dream in which you happen to break a glass in the kitchen is, in reality, a highly favorable sign representing the happiness and harmony that you have in abundance in your waking life.

A dream in which you see yourself passing a glass to someone in the kitchen, for example, a drink during a party or a measuring glass for someone cooking a meal in the same kitchen is usually interpreted as a sign of upcoming disagreements and quarrels with the person in question. Also, cutting yourself with a piece of a broken glass in the kitchen or by clumsily grabbing a chipped glass could be a sign indicating that you currently have someone or something in your waking life that really bothers and easily irritates you, thus wasting a lot of your emotional and physical energy for nothing. A dream in which someone presents you a glass as a gift is also interpreted as a sign of upcoming separation with this person. This breakup would most likely be the natural outcome of some longtime developments between the two of you but could as well be an abrupt decision stemming from recent events or confrontations.

A stirring utensil in the kitchen

A dream in which you see yourself using some sort of stirring utensil in the kitchen, such as a paddle or a wooden spoon during the process or stir-frying a meal, is a rather straightforward sign foretelling quarrels and discord in the upcoming future. These confrontations could be either purely verbal or even escalate to physical fights between you and people from your closest surroundings. Dreaming of buying a stirring utensil could be a symbol of inner worries and remorse you harbor regarding a certain deed or offense you have committed in the past, thus bringing a lot of hurt and woe to people who never deserved such a fate.

A snake cut in half on the kitchen floor

I was trying to bake, but there was a snake that had been cut in half, writhing on the floor trying to bite me. Eventually the threatening half disappeared, but the benign half was still in my way. I was unable to remove it, so my father removed it for me.

Dreaming about a snake trying to attack you has negative connotations. It could indicate the presence of difficulties in your waking life. Perhaps these obstacles are making it challenging for you to achieve what you want. This symbolism is further reinforced by the fact that you were attempting to bake, but unsuccessfully because of the presence of the snake. However, you would receive help during your difficult times, as indicated by your father taking care of the snake. Make sure that you remain alert and on guard from anybody trying to cause problems and never refuse help from your loved ones if the need arises.

Smell of food in the kitchen

A dream in which you envision yourself catching the smell of some food being prepared in the kitchen, regardless of whether this was your own kitchen or someone else's, is a reflection suggesting you could be prone to overeating. Additionally, if the smell you have experienced in your dream was that of burned food, be aware that this dream could be the harbinger of some approaching troubles and hardships in your life, not necessarily related to your dietary regimen.

Dreaming about being in a big clean kitchen

An enormous kitchen

A dream in which you happen to see a disproportionately big kitchen compared to your own size as if it was the kitchen of a giant or you have been shrunk in your own home could be a symbol and reflection of how you subconsciously perceive the world around you. Perhaps, you consider it to be a cruel, violent and unfair place, too huge and complex to care for someone as tiny and insignificant as yourself. An alternative interpretation suggests this dream could be foretelling you would be faced with great hardships or challenges and subsequently gain a lot of media publicity as a result of dealing with said ordeals.

A decanter in the kitchen

Envisioning yourself using a decanter in the kitchen has various interpretations depending on the related details. For example, if you see yourself drinking something that was poured out of a decanter know that this could be a sign foretelling that in the upcoming future you would be greatly displeased and hurt by some gossips and rumors about you that are currently being spread between the people you know and interact with. A dream in which you happen to break a decanter signifies sensitive and private information about you that someone is planning to make public in order to bring you down and get an advantage over you. Rinsing a decanter is usually interpreted as a much more positive vision, as it foretells an approaching reunion with family, friends and other people you hold dear to your heart yet have not had the possibility to meet for quite a long time now.

A chalice in the kitchen

A chalice in itself is a symbol filled with overwhelming fortune and good luck, so if you happened to see a dream featuring this object in the kitchen, get ready for an exceptionally great period coming your way. Additional details could add some specificity to this interpretation: for example, if the chalice in your dream was filled with sweet dessert wine know that this is a sign of prosperity and auspicious coincidences, while a bitter wine in a chalice is usually interpreted as a harbinger of upcoming developments that could change your current status in life for the worse. A dream in which you happen to receive a chalice as a gift could be a sign that you are a person who always gets the desired things in life. On the other hand, if you happen to break a chalice in a dream, be aware that this vision could be foretelling an unexpected and unpleasant turn in your life such as a sudden drastic expense or someone dear to your heart becoming sick.

The peaceful vision of passing a chalice around a circle of people thus allowing every person to drink a bit of its content is a symbol of the enormous trust you put into others, often sharing your most cherished dreams and goals with them. Although this is a noble personal trait, be aware that the same quality can also put your own success at risk. If you happened to see a dream in which you drink some sort of fiery liquid out of a chalice, know that this is a prophecy of your exceptional destiny and monumental purpose in life. However, it is impossible to foretell whether this role would be a good and happy, such as the fate of a hero and savior, or an evil and distressing one, such as the path of a dictator, torturer and oppressor. Alternatively, seeing a dream featuring a chalice that has been turned upside down is usually interpreted as a sign that you could be running out of possibilities and time to make the desired personal changes or that you would soon be faced with some major developments in your life regardless of your current actions. Last but not least, dreaming of yourself sharing a drink out of the same chalice with a certain person indicates that in the upcoming future you could fall in love with this individual but this connection would not last long.

A mortar in the kitchen

In general, a dream in which you see a mortar in the kitchen could be foretelling that in the upcoming future you would get into fiery quarrels and major arguments with the people whom you hold dear, such as your family and close friends. Additionally, if you happened to use the mortar in your dream, for example, to grind spices or pulverize some plants for future cooking, be aware that this vision could be symbolic of your tendency to judge and sternly evaluate other people based on the superficial impression you get from them. As a result, you could be often drawing wrong conclusions due to your lack of understanding of the motivation and intentions of these people.

A sieve in the kitchen

If you happen to dream of yourself seeing or using a sieve in the kitchen, such as for pureeing potatoes or to drain water after boiling pasta for dinner, know that this vision could be a symbol of your inclination to see things around you in the light that is more pleasant or beneficial for you even if this would require neglecting direct evidence of your faulty perception. As a result, you could be often missing favorable opportunities in life and subsequently achieving less than you otherwise would. Alternatively, if in your dream you have caught something in your kitchen sieve, such as a little rock accidentally dropped in the flour, this vision could be foretelling that in the upcoming future you would finally reach a long-sought state of peace, harmony and understanding between yourself and people with whom you used to fight or disagree.

A rolling pin in the kitchen

According to various sources, a rolling pin in the kitchen is a symbol strongly associated with the concept of friendship and mutual care between close people, usually not bound by blood ties. A dream in which you see or use a rolling pin, such as for flattening dough to prepare a sweet pie, could be a reflection of your concerns and dissatisfaction regarding the relationship between you and someone you consider a friend. For example, this person could have recently been acting in a strange or unpleasant way, thus making you wonder whether discussing the matter in a straightforward manner could make things right between the two of you.

Confined to a kitchen

Being confined to a kitchen, such as being locked in or trapped for some reason, predicts you would be unable to escape a series of inconveniences and difficulties in wake life. While each minor trouble would seem small and perhaps manageable, the sum of their parts would have an overwhelming influence on your day-to-day life.

A bucket in the kitchen

In general, a dream in which you see or use a bucket in the kitchen, regardless of whether the kitchen in the dream was your own or someone else’s, is considered to be a symbol of approaching news of unpredictable nature, specifically good, bad or neutral. Additional details could help to shed more light on the interpretation. For example, drinking straight from the said bucket could be an indication of some significant hardships or challenges you would have to deal with. A vision featuring an empty bucket could be foretelling major mistakes you would commit while lost in the chase for something you care deeply about. Its counterpart, a full bucket could be symbolic of some additional tasks and responsibilities you would take on yourself even though your current amount of duties is great as it is.

Cockroaches in the kitchen

I had a dream where I walked into my kitchen and there were cockroaches all over my cabinets and a few on the counter.

A dream in which you see cockroaches all over your kitchen is a warning about a potential domestic dispute. The reason for this argument could be financial problems, domestic affairs such as disagreement over how to handle things at home or a more deep-seated issue. As long as you manage to properly communicate what you think and feel without being aggressive or condescending, it eventually should all blow over.