Money in various forms and under a multitude of circumstances is often present while we dream, these experiences ignite our interest in finding the answer to the hidden meanings they may contain. Different circumstances may be experienced in dreams, such as losing money, acquiring wealth or winning the lottery and suddenly becoming rich, spending money or owing money to someone, these visions can be a reflection of personal financial situation or desire and striving to become rich and independent.

Money as material or physical objects (cash, coins, etc) is usually a representation of having or gaining power and ability to control other people in real life, it can also point out the ability to be in control of your actions and competency in such aspects as work, social relations and certain niche in society. A very important element in finding the right meaning of dreams, which involved money, is paying close attention to the nature and circumstances as well as other people present in these dreams. You may want to recall your own role in these relationships involving money, were you giving money away, borrowing money, or maybe just looking at someone who had a lot of money in their hands?

Many people experiencing dreams about money or about suddenly becoming wealthy have acute desire to be rich(er) and are extremely unhappy with their current financial situation in real life. They want to be in full control of their spending habits and have ability to spend much more than they can afford spending at present moment. Some people will be experiencing dreams about handling money because they subconsciously want to learn better ways in managing their finances or eliminating situations from their lives which once led them to be in debt or if they are afraid they may get mired in debt because of their current life situation or financial problems.

When you experience visions of receiving or inheriting money - try recalling sources and circumstances surrounding this event. In most cases, dreams containing these symbolic representations may be an expression of being blessed with power, ability to thrive on good deeds and accomplish a lot in a short period of time. These dreams can be an indication of regaining emotional strength and personal growth and renewal, ability to establish lasting and meaningful relationships with people around you or win over worries and uncertainties which could be tormenting and haunting you for quite some time.

Many of us are visited by visions and symbols in our dreams related to being rich and wealthy and trying or wanting to share this wealth with others around us, which can represent subconscious desire to help someone, not necessarily in a material sense, but spiritually or because we know we possess more knowledge or experience to be in such a role.

Losing money or trying to locate money you lost in a dream is a sign of lacking self-control and willpower, not only pertaining to the ways you handle money or how you budget your expenses, but can equally be applicable to dealing with emotional aspects in your private life.

What is your position in regards to shortage or abundance of money in your life, do you perceive not worrying about money as something normal or do you consider having lots of money as an important sign of being able to control life situations or have major influence on people who are present in your life?

In more generalized terms, money in dreams has always been connected to the person’s attempts to become capable to exert power and influence on others. At the same time, this person would be questioning on a subconscious level in a dream how to access this power and how to build on wealth.

Dreaming about inheriting money, especially if it was something unexpected, is an indication of ability to achieve surprising outcomes as a result of your efforts and hard work. Conversely, being left out from inheriting money or wealth may be warning you about the need in more critical and honest evaluation of your efforts and abilities when you try to accomplish or achieve goals you set for yourself in life.



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