Meaning of dreams about Purple lipstick

DreamPath Analysis Summary
A dream centering around you, your body or thoughts and feelings that are important to you reveals the inner workings of your unconscious mind. This focus on the self could have positive or negative connotations depending on your emotions in the vision and the other symbols you perceived. Dreaming about yourself also denotes a certain amount of retrospection about past events or contemplation of future ones. The body itself represents the sum of your experiences. Seeing your own body by either looking down at yourself or observing yourself in a reflective surface alludes to how the different people and events that have made up your life story may have left their mark. As such, the condition of your body gives clues as to the state of your unconscious mind. If you were particularly drawn to a certain area of your body, be it a general limb or a more specific, private area, it could grant some insight into particular areas of your mind or subconscious. Body parts imprinted in your dreamscape also indicate concerns or excessive attention focused on self-image, health or how others perceive you in physical appearance. Perhaps your are wrongly convinced that you project your insecurities by the way you act or reveal yourself in other people's presence. Lips send a lot of signals in dreams about your state of mind. Depending on the state of your lips, you could be putting on a brave face in a difficult situation or living a carefree life even though there are things of a troubling nature brewing where others cannot see. Lips can also point to your sensuality or serve as a bridging element to other body parts or emotional states. Purple lipstick in particular reveals that you are trying to cover up the problems in your life by distracting yourself and others with aspects of your personality. If you have a good sense of humor, for instance, you probably try to make jokes to deflect from the pain or discomfort present in your day to day life. The same can be said of those who throw themselves into their work to avoid dealing with personal problems or take drugs or alcohol to dull the pain from troubles afflicting their hearts.