Meaning of dreams about Lions outside your house

DreamPath Analysis Summary
The presence of other individuals or objects in the dream world indicates outside forces that have a significant influence on your life at the moment. Unlike dream symbols which focus on your body or your feelings, these external symbolic imageries mean you are fixating on something that may be out of your control or a peripheral issue that will eventually have a significant impact on your life. Perceiving nature in a dream realm is a symbolic representation of freedom in the real world. On the one hand, this dream reflects that you may have finally found the tranquility that you have been searching for in life. Alternatively, this might be a sign that you need peace and recovery from things that are making you anxious. The specific images available in the dream will help rule out the exact meaning of this vision. Living creatures in the dream realm refer to spirits and souls that surround us in wake life. A vision with various creatures in it may refer to people in your life, animals, or even objects that retain some of the life essence of their past owner. A vision of animals in the dream world generally holds a positive connotation. Dreams about animals center on human relationships. This suggests a possibility of resolving a conflict with someone around you and heading to the next level with them. At the same time, it is important to take a note of additional metaphors present in the dreamscape to understand what they exactly mean and their relevance in waking life. Lions represent strong personalities. The lion may represent you or someone else depending on the other symbols present. In some cases, lions and other animals may even represent multiple aspects of your own personality or someone else's character and behavior toward you. In this case, lions circling your house or the place you are staying suggests you are or may soon be bullied by a group of people in wake life. These may be people you actively dislike, like co-worker or classmates, but it is also possible that your own family would be the perpetrators.