Meaning of dreams about Brain surgery

DreamPath Analysis Summary
A dream centering around you, your body or thoughts and feelings that are important to you reveals the inner workings of your unconscious mind. This focus on the self could have positive or negative connotations depending on your emotions in the vision and the other symbols you perceived. Dreaming about yourself also denotes a certain amount of retrospection about past events or contemplation of future ones. The body itself represents the sum of your experiences. Seeing your own body by either looking down at yourself or observing yourself in a reflective surface alludes to how the different people and events that have made up your life story may have left their mark. As such, the condition of your body gives clues as to the state of your unconscious mind. Having surgery in your dream implies a significant change that will take place in your life. You might have taken some steps to improve certain aspects of your life, such as buying a property, making investments or developing new hobbies. Yet, the success of this undertaking is not guaranteed. However, this dream prophesizes that your life will change completely because of this incident. Undergoing brain surgery manifests notable changes in relation to how you think about and perceive things in the real world. This suggests that you are becoming more open-minded and willing to acknowledge a multitude of ideas, although they might be totally different than your own. Comparably, this vision also points to a person or circumstance which will be helpful for your creativity on your way to be more successful.