Dreams Related To Swing

Swinging really high

According to the teachings of Carl Jung, swinging is generally interpreted as a symbol of carefree existence and childhood innocence. Seeing yourself swinging really high while playing in a dream realm symbolizes your inner feeling and desire of being independent. It represents ups and downs of life, as well as a sense of exhilaration, freedom or accomplishment. Alternatively, it might also indicate an inner desire to escape the presence of material objects and to break free from the worldly riches.

A swing collapsing and things inside shoes

A swing set collapse in the yard. A large bug in a shoe and 3 frogs in the other, 1 large poisonous and 2 small ones.

The swing set in your vision points to a carefree attitude and uncomplicated lifestyle, possibly one that you used to have, judging by its collapsed state in the yard. Even though things have become more difficult for you, the shoes suggest not much has changed. This means that either this lack of change has caused you to stagnate and therefore become frustrated or that your position has been slowly deteriorating for some time. The large bug that was in one shoe is opposed to the frogs in the other. While the bug represents fear and negative emotions, the frogs could indicate the potential to grow from these setbacks. If you have the opportunity to make a big change in your life, particularly one that involves moving house or starting a new job, now may be the best time to make use of the opportunity that has presented itself. If you do not, you could continue to struggle for some time.