Dreams Related To Employer

Interacting with employer's daughter

I am a female aged 45. I'm a maid. I dreamt of my employers' daughter-in-law chasing away an albino baby using a grass broom. The albino baby then disappeared. I then started walking towards the daughter-in-law but it was like I was walking in rain. She stretched her hands out. When I got to her she wiped water off my face and I woke up.

Given your gender and position, this type of dream is not unusual. As the maid and caretaker of the family home, you probably see and understand this physical space better than even some of the members themselves. The albino baby that was chased away by the daughter-in-law could allude to the family's attempts to maintain a stoic, calm exterior even if they are actually in the midst of great turmoil. In a sense, rather than accept random or unusual situations, they try to act above it. Walking through the rain represents your personality in contrast to theirs. You are happy to take the path of least resistance, and you can deal with unfamiliar circumstances as they arise because you have the flexibility, knowledge and experience to do so.